Ordered Some Hops

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Well I 've had a go & ordered 5 lbs of hops from hops direct USA

It is currently in customs just wondered if anyone else from perth has got hops from them & how long does it take before they release them

They were all pellets which is the only type allowed from the states here just wondering if I should have asked them first woops too late now.

Will ring them tomorrow ( customs) but thought I'de ask here as well cheers all
They were all pellets which is the only type allowed from the states here just wondering if I should have asked them first woops too late now.

Will ring them tomorrow ( customs) but thought I'de ask here as well cheers all
Customs may just want some money from you (if you're unlucky).

AQIS would be more likely to stop the import, however a quick search of ICON seems to indicate that it will not be a problem and you probably didn't need to ask them first: http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_Query...ueryType=Search
Cheers wolfy my problem is Im off to Rottnest on tuesday so dont want my hops sitting at the door for a week

Its been real hot over here laterly
It took 4 business days for customs to release my hops..
For people who've ordered before how long have they taken to arrive ?
mine was about 3 weeks, not too sure how long they were in aus
Mine were in customs for 2 days, they opened the box but none of the hop packets. But who knows how long they will hold yours. Dont like your chances of finding out any info from Customs themselves they dont really comment on shimpment under their control as a customs broker I speak from daily experience.
I ordered some from Puterbaugh Farms (Hops Direct) on the 6th Feb 2010, and had them in my hands here in Vic on 19th Feb.

I had USPS tracking on the parcel, and there appeared to be at least a week delay between arriving in Australia and arriving at my house. Customs did open the box, but not the vacuum packed hops.
For people who've ordered before how long have they taken to arrive ?

Mine have normally taken about 2 to 3 weeks.

I got some yummy Chinese hops for free if you want some. :icon_vomit:

I ordered some from Puterbaugh Farms (Hops Direct) on the 6th Feb 2010, and had them in my hands here in Vic on 19th Feb.

I had USPS tracking on the parcel, and there appeared to be at least a week delay between arriving in Australia and arriving at my house. Customs did open the box, but not the vacuum packed hops.

Hi roo_dr. I'm thinking about buying up to 5 kgs. Puterbaugh hop prices are clearly cheaper than Nikobrew, I'm just wondering what sought of freight you paid for your shipment?
I ordered 6lbs, and asked for a Priority Mail Flat Rate Box with USPS:

all prices in USD unless stated otherwise...
HAMAP1 Amarillo Pellet Hops: 1 lb. $ 11.25
HCASP1 Cascade Pellet Hops 1 lb. $ 8.75
HWILP1 Willamette Pellet Hops 1 lb. $ 6.75
HSAAZUSP1 US SAAZ Pellet Hops: 1 lb. $ 9.75
HFUGP1 Fuggle Pellet Hops (US) 1 lb. $ 9.75
HGALP1 Galena Pellet Hops 1 lb. $ 9.75

SubTotal: $ 56.00

Priority Mail Lg. Flat Rate Box (6-10 days) $ 55.95

Total cost (in USD) $ 111.95
Total cost (in AUD) $ 133.06 (or $4.90/100g all costs included)

I guess they could fit your 5kg quite easily into two of the the Flat Rate boxes, they take a maximum of 6lbs / 2.7kg I think.
the longest period in the process is actually on the USA side of things. once it hits OZ, customs/AQIS are pretty quick.

under $1000 there is no tax or additional fees (unless you've been importing heaps of stuff from overseas in a short period, then they will deem you to be an importer and wants some $ from you).

long story short, relax, have a homebrew and some patience.

edit: if you check out the recent threads on buying hops form the US you'll also find a heap of info and peoples experiances.
Hi roo_dr. I'm thinking about buying up to 5 kgs. Puterbaugh hop prices are clearly cheaper than Nikobrew, I'm just wondering what sought of freight you paid for your shipment?

Hi Razz, have just ordered 12 pounds and USPS freight was $113.25 US.

And gee thanks for the offer of chinese hops QLDKev but I assume u will just use them in all the beers you bring to my place anyway ;)
Hi Razz, have just ordered 12 pounds and USPS freight was $113.25 US.

And gee thanks for the offer of chinese hops QLDKev but I assume u will just use them in all the beers you bring to my place anyway ;)

Should have kept my paperwork but basically the more you order, the less it is per kg/lb for postage. Took just over a week for my order to arrive. It had been opened by AQIS (parcel only, not the sealed hops).
Mine have normally taken about 2 to 3 weeks.

I got some yummy Chinese hops for free if you want some. :icon_vomit:


As late as yesterday, 'The Real Craftbrewer' was still spruiking hops from the Chines bulk buy as top quality. According to him the outstanding beers made with Chinese hops are flowing all around the Australia. His mate reckons they **** all over those American hops. He is truly hilarious.
I had hops to my door in under 2 weeks.

The box was opened by AQIS, and one Amarillo pouch had a small cut in it.

Other than that, the hops are great... especially the cascade!!
I know some guys that ordered 24lb of USh
hops from US. In OZ in 2-3 weeks unopened and fresh as! Support ur local hbs where possible. But...
I know some guys that ordered 24lb of USh
hops from US. In OZ in 2-3 weeks unopened and fresh as! Support ur local hbs where possible. But...

I haven't bought any hops from my local hbs for a while now. Lots of crystal and dme, but no hops. I wonder what the hell he thinks I'm making!!

These American hops are making some great beers, are there ever any bulk buys?