Oops, I've Finally Crossed Over :)

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Well I finally have pretty much everything that I need to do my first AG and so tomorrow I will take the leap. Thanks to GMK for lending me a mash tun. Below is my recipe, please feel free to tell me if I am heading down the wrong track.. Cheers

4.6kg Marris otter
.3kg Crystal
5gm Magnum (60min)
19gm Perle (60min)
28gm Amarillo (15min)
1tsp Irish Moss (10min)
21gm Amarillo (0 min)
American Ale Yeast (Dry)
28gm Cascade (Dry Hop Secondary)

Mash 68deg 60mins,
Primary 7 days
Secondary 7 days
ferm @ 20deg
Est. OG 1.050
Est. FG 1.012

There it is.


Best of luck Homekegger - Great to see you finally got there :super:

Cheers Ross
Man that has been a long journey. As long as you have finally made it.
Hope the brew gods are with you tomorrow.

68c mash temp with MO and crystal will give you a Chewy malt profile,if thats what u want.
65/66 would be a better balance maybe.

What IBU'S are you shooting for?
On Ya HK, all the best for tomorrow, hope all goes smoothly, report back.

Good on you HK,

The only suggestions I would have are...

1. To Make Your Brew Day More Relaxed: Maybe weigh your hops out tonight (chuck them in freezer bags and then in the freezer) and also clean and sanitise your fermenter tonight. If you have some odourless no-rinse steriliser, leave about 3 litres in the fermenter and you can use that tomorrow. Doing just these two things allows you to be able to focus on the brew and enjoy it.

2. Mash Temperature: If you are not confident in your thermometer, then mash at mid-range (66 degrees). This gives greater lee-way for you in case your thermometer is out which they often are. If your thermometer is spot on, 66 will give you a nicely balanced beer with those hops anyway.

3. Mash Length: I reckon go for a little longer. I do mine for 70 minutes as I have done several tests on how gravity goes up over the mash period and 70 minutes puts you in a nice safe zone. 50 to 60 minutes you can lose a little.

Trust you'll have a great day :super:
LOL Seany Old Boy!

I just got your PM referring me to yet another one of your frivolous posts whilst thinking...

"In light of Mr bond's post, definitely tell HK to go for 66. I mean I reckon it will actually be a nicer beer."

So mate, my original post should have actually been longer!!!

Good on you HK,

3. Mash Length: I reckon go for a little longer. I do mine for 70 minutes as I have done several tests on how gravity goes up over the mash period and 70 minutes puts you in a nice safe zone. 50 to 60 minutes you can lose a little.


Good point Pat Pat (is that why u r PP? :lol: )

I as do many other(more experienced) AHB ers mash for 90 min.
I will go with the 66 deg mash too..... reciupe looks great but dont mash it at 68...... will be a bit thick.

PP......... should your new nick name be Rover....... pat pat :)

My advice?

Do the best you can mate,it'll take a while to hit tempertures within a few degrees on a new system.
I bet your beers will be the best you have every brewed no matter what.
And of course best of luck,may the brew gods be with you :party:

Thanks for all the advice boys. I will mash in at 66. Sounds like the safer better option.

Will keep all posted on how I go.

Thanks Pat Pat for the advice about prior prep. good idea. Will do.


Well the brew day was a fair success. My brew is sitting in the fermenter at the moment till tomorrow morning when it will be cool enough to pitch into. One thing I did discover was that the evap rate was rather high. I ended with 15ltrs instead of 20. I added 3 ltrs once in the ferm and just tested SG 1.052 so not too far off I don't think.

I also realised I need to get my **** together and get my chillout plate plumbed. That way I could be listening to that sweet sweet sound of the blurp.

Highlight of the day was having to use all 4 burners on my stove to boil the wort. At least SWMBO had a laugh as well.


Good work HK
Any updates Irish? Have you kegged it yet?

I really just wanted to post on your thread.....I'm bored.
Just Transfering into secondary, I opened up my ferm. and Noticed some large floaties in the brew. Is this just some yeast or a bad infection?? o.g was 1.052, f.g was 1.008 and I used a dry American Ale yeast.

Here is the picture


