Nswabc 2011 Results

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Interesting to see what the oppo is going to be at the Nats (If Allah smileth upon me at our State Judging in a couple of weeks) - looks fearsome ;) I've saved the PDF and it will be perused closely up here as part of the battle plan. :ph34r:

Couple of points:

  • I see the organisation and heavy lifting in this comp is clearly Hunter-oriented. Shows where the strength is and having recently visited I'm not at all surprised.
  • What are the scores out of? I'm more used to the "out of 50" system
  • Is Dick Sharpe a porn star or is it just my dirty mind? :lol:
Well done all placegetters. What was the prize that Mark put up?

http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...80&start=80 Post 85 Bribie, it was damn impressive :beer:
Well done to all the winners, place-getters, entrants and organising committee. Now, let's see if the QLD crew can give you guys a run for your money in the Nationals this year ;)

Bribie - I believe the scores are a sum of the two judges scores, so halve them to get the average score. Oh, and Dick Sharpe FTW. :p

To all those involved,

Great comp, and a tremendous effort to get the results posted so quickly, that has taken some seriously hard work.

When are you guys going to bar Barry from entering? Congrats on another excellent result - wish I could have made it up for judging.

Never !

It is Barry's entry fees that pay for the judges lunch .... ON BOTH DAYS !

Apart from that, Barry has been supporting home brewing and beer comps for as long as I can remember. He has judged at each NSW Championships for at least the last 15 years, and most of the Nationals.

Not only that, he has a ripping senseof humor. Here in the Hunter he is well remembered for the time when he heard that a local brewer was giving up brewing.

"When's the intervention?" Barry demanded :p
Great work up there, Hunter folk. Glad to see a good comp was run and a good turn out. Well done to all the judges and especially the organisers.

And well done to Barry again. Good to see somebody running him close though. :)
Hey Murcluf, thanks mate, hope all you blokes from the Barossa are good. Yea, still brewing, (lucky that beer was in the APA cat and not the PA, otherwise would have got jack) had a good year off doing 'proper' brews, with moving to the east coast etc (Batemans Bay, nice...) but now right back into it. Doing experiments for the mash paddle at the moment, drinking one now, way too light though...so will have to keep trying...bugger

Anyway, thanks to all the organisers for the NSW state comp, sounds like the perfect weekend away, would have loved to have been there! hopefully next year
Wow! That was quick. Well done guys! Turned out rather smoothly in the end.

Rather piss poor effort by yours truely...maybe next year i'll actually brew some decent beer. :p
Just a quick note... there are probably around a hundred beers still in the coolroom at Potters. If anyone is wishing to collect some samples and can get there before I do at lunchtime tomorrow, you're welcome to grab as many as you want. Even just for the bottles. Just see Keith in the brewery or if you turn up while I'm there you can give me a hand to clean up a bit.... :p
Thanks everyone who was involved in running the comp. I submitted a beer with a taint that I couldn't quite put my finger on and was looking for feedback. Surprisingly the beer still scored a reasonable 67.5.

I might put a few bottles of all my brews over the next year aside and give the comp a decent go next year. Looking forward top the judging sheets so I can work out what my taint is!

Just a quick note... there are probably around a hundred beers still in the coolroom at Potters. If anyone is wishing to collect some samples and can get there before I do at lunchtime tomorrow, you're welcome to grab as many as you want. Even just for the bottles. Just see Keith in the brewery or if you turn up while I'm there you can give me a hand to clean up a bit.... :p

Since I'm now tied up all day in the bowels of Newcastle's biggest ********, you now have until tomorrow morning to grab some beers... so if you can make it out this arvo, get into it!
Congrats Barry, and thanks to all those involved,

if brewing could get any better, its entering a well run comp like this,
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has received their score sheets yet? Was planning a re-brew for the nats and would love to tweak the recipe a little as per the judges comments.

Hi Guys,

Results and certificates for all non-winners were posted on the 31/8. The only results left to go out are the 14 people who won a category or two or three... This is due to me organising trophies and prizes and getting them packed into boxes. Some left yesterday, the others will be leaving today. You should see them early next week.

Also, those who did win a category will be recieving an email very soon about details for the Bitter & Twisted Festival and the opportunity of presenting your winning beer there.


Thanks Schooey, and once again mate, cheers for your efforts.
The only results left to go out are the 14 people who won a category or two or three... This is due to me organising trophies and prizes and getting them packed into boxes. Some left yesterday, the others will be leaving today. You should see them early next week.

Hi Folks, can any people who may have placed in a cat. confirm whether they have recieved any feedback sheets etc? As Tony mentioned the last of the score sheets etc left last friday. I am very concerned that the postal service in my area has lost a parcel with my name on it.

Dont worry Matt, i've seen nothing either (i'm on the south coast) they'll come eventually...
Nothing so far, so the PO is working at full PO speed.
Thanks Grego and Barry, thats reassuring. If you knew the trouble I have had in past with parcels going missing, you would understand. All good!!


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