Well-Known Member
3 x 70L Brewing Kettles from Cheeky Peak.
Brand new, in boxes - part of a project that never eventuated. Purchased 18 months ago.
1 Kettle is plain (HLT).
1 Kettle has an insulating jacket (base, sides and lid) and GrainStopper perforated plate.
1 Kettle has an insulating jacket (base, sides and lid).
Kettles are single ply for the base.
Also includes 3 low density heating elements, but they will need wiring.
All are 2200 W and the pots have holes drilled out of them to accommodate the elements.
The elements are from Mash To Brew.
Also includes 3 DS18B20 Temperature probes.
Will post more, with random bits and fittings.
Edit: Chasing ~$600.

Brand new, in boxes - part of a project that never eventuated. Purchased 18 months ago.
1 Kettle is plain (HLT).
1 Kettle has an insulating jacket (base, sides and lid) and GrainStopper perforated plate.
1 Kettle has an insulating jacket (base, sides and lid).
Kettles are single ply for the base.
Also includes 3 low density heating elements, but they will need wiring.
All are 2200 W and the pots have holes drilled out of them to accommodate the elements.
The elements are from Mash To Brew.
Also includes 3 DS18B20 Temperature probes.
Will post more, with random bits and fittings.
Edit: Chasing ~$600.

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