I would suggest ordering a fresh wort kit off Craft Brewer and trying that... All you need to do is pour it into your fermenter and add some quality yeast and maybe dry hop and you are away... This will give you a taste of what can be achieved when you move away from K&K.... You will never turn back!
Depending on where you live, Ross is offering $10 discounted postage for March or a free yeast if you pickup (Brisbane). (No affiliation... Just really like their service!)
Extract is definitely your next step.. very easy but make sure you research well before jumping in and plan your brew and write down all the steps.
Yeah, this all seems like good advice to me. Reflects my own progress pretty closely too (except for ianh's spreadsheet, never used that but everyone says good things).When I was where you are now at, the next step I took was steeping some specialty grain. For example, make a pale ale kit but add 300g of steeped carapils, or 200g of light crystal or something. It's really simple, adds a little something to your brew, and introduces you to using grain. Read up on how to steep grain though, you don't just chuck the grains into your brew or anything like that.
After I did that for a couple of brews I moved on to extract brewing... the kits you use are already bittered and flavoured with hops and hop extract. Tins of extract are very similar but have no bittering or hop flavouring so you have to do it all yourself with adding hops at various stage throughout the boil (and still add some steeped grain as well). Extract brewing gives you HEAPS more control over how your beer will turn out, but is a lot more involved. If/when you get there, make sure you track down ianh's spreadsheet on this forum - it is awesome for designing extract recipes.
Speedie...?Bum..that's a little uncalled for "They generally have the stalest ingredients known to man"..How many would know to make one "local LHBS"..and that's the OFF TOPIC part..
Thanks guys,
I will have a go at the fresh wort kits and talk to my LHBS.
Thanks all!