Notorious criminal Robert 'Bertie' Kidd vows to fight deportat

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Send him back!....**** it all England sent boat loads of convicts to us years ago.....Send him back !!
hellbent said:
Send him back!....**** it all England sent boat loads of convicts to us years ago.....Send him back !!
Idiotic comment you are probably a descendant of one or more of them. :D This man has been here since 1948 so was trained by Australia in his criminal activities. He is more Australian than most of the Politicians in Parliament now. How many British and Scottish accents to be heard and they are all criminals deport the lot of them Julia Dillard is first in line. In all seriousness though the guy is so old now it is not like you are going to save any money deporting him now all the taxpayers money already spent and it his highly unlikely that he is going to take hostages in a Cafe unlike some of the foreigners allowed in these days. Knowing this government they will apply the dual citizenship terrorist law on him.. :blink:
At the risk of straw-manning, if the bloke was a convicted pedophile would we be having this conversation?
Getting all misty eyed about career criminals is the same arse backwards mindset that endowed the likes of Chopper Reid and Ned Kelly folk hero status.
Meh..**** him - guvnor..
His family could always donate some money to the libs and get Bruce Bilsen and Russel Broadbent to lobby the foreign minister to let him stay, after all they've helped out the mafia previously.
I know of a certain current PM with a British background that I would be more than happy to send back to Ole' Blighty
Nowhere in the article can I find any mention of him becoming Naturalised and getting his certificate. When he arrived back then, all Australians were basically "British subjects" so there wasn't much difference between Pom migrants and locals. Millions of them never bothered to get citizenship.

When I arrived in 78 this was all changing. For example a snotty posh journalist on the Courier Mail, Sylvia Da Costa-Roque who did restaurant and fashion reviews was a Ten Pound Pom, despite her wanky name, and when she flew to NZ to do a fashion show they wouldn't let her back in because she didn't think she'd needed a visa. Hahahahaha. Rupert fixed it for her of course.

One of the first things I did after my two year wait was to get citizenship. ( and I didn't have to enlist to fight the Klendathu either).

So this current **** has been a bloody foreigner in Australia all along, I'm surprised he wasn't sent home back in the seventies.
Maybe he wasn't sent home back in the 70s because he had friends ? Nudge nudge wink,wink.
Probably be in his grave for about 5 years before his appeal trial comes to court.
If I read that correctly he served in your armed forces right? That doesn't guarantee you citizenship?

Sorry, the article was in Australian.
Now that's a good point,he would have to have been to serve.make a bloody good argument against deportation .

On a side note ,I recently heard about some Aboriginals who signed up to fight in the Boer War and once that was over at least one of them was told he would not be allowed to return to Australia and spent the rest of his life in Africa.?
What a kick in the guts that must have been.!
Dosen't work for Gurkhas in British armed forces though bet they would rather have Nepalese than all them Muslim radicals in Blighty.