Newbie Question On Fg

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My first brew has been down for about 7.5 days now and it's seems to have come to a halt fermentation wise. I have taken Gravity readings over 3 days with my Hydrometer (more on this instrument later) and it's stuck firm at 1010 each time.

A few notes to take into account.

1. My brew heater died on the 5th day causing it to drop from 21 to 18 degrees. I managed to get it back to 21 degs about 24 hours later with a new heater.

2. I accidentally dropped my hydrometer, but it didn't break and appears to be fine and still bobs around in the sample. Could the calibration be off somehow?

3. It's just a standard lager kit (with ale yeast I think).

Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers (& beers)

try putting your hydro in plain water to test the calibration.

As far as the brew goes, leave it for a few more days and check it again. if it is stable bottle it.
My first brew has been down for about 7.5 days now and it's seems to have come to a halt fermentation wise. I have taken Gravity readings over 3 days with my Hydrometer (more on this instrument later) and it's stuck firm at 1010 each time.

A few notes to take into account.

1. My brew heater died on the 5th day causing it to drop from 21 to 18 degrees. I managed to get it back to 21 degs about 24 hours later with a new heater.

2. I accidentally dropped my hydrometer, but it didn't break and appears to be fine and still bobs around in the sample. Could the calibration be off somehow?

3. It's just a standard lager kit (with ale yeast I think).

Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers (& beers)


First up - give the heat pad to the cat to sleep on. 18 is perfect. If the hydrometer didnt smash then it should be ok - test it in some water to make sure. 1010 over 3 days sounds like shes done. Id be bottling it mate.
G'day mate,

Leave it for at least another 3 days (upto 12 days on the yeast cake at the temps you've indicated) and bottle as usual. You may have shocked the yeast by letting the temp drop (not your fault), should be ok though.
i agree with steve leave it a few more days .
what was the og before pitching yeast this will tell you if it has brewed as ther will be a 30 or so point drop?

brooksy,s on the money.

I agree with Steve. 1010 for 3 days sounds about right and dropping down a few degrees down to 18 isn't likely to stress the yeast.

It's your first brew so bottle away mate and welcome to the world of brewing.
Thanks for replies fellas (& chicks? if there are any HB chicks out there).

My HBS told me that the FG for bottling is best around 1005-1007 and that you can risk exploding bottles if it's any higher than this.

tommy, the OG before pitching the yeast was 1040 which indicates a 30 drop.

Thanks everybody.

cheers (& beers)

My HBS told me that the FG for bottling is best around 1005-1007 and that you can risk exploding bottles if it's any higher than this.

tommy, the OG before pitching the yeast was 1040 which indicates a 30 drop.
What did you brew.

You got a good SG drop, your OG was ....... sorta strange. For a stand K&K, I'd expect 1035 +-2.
If you added malt rather than dex or sugar 1040 - 1044 is fine, 1010 FG is fine, leave for another coupla daze to settle if possible or bottle now if you can't wait.
:beer: :chug: :party:

Then main point is: ENJOY
Thanks Brooksy,

I used a special brew blend from my LHBS which contained some (not sure on %) light malt mixed with the dextrose, they seem like good people and their products are quite renowned around the place.

I'm guessing the brew blend might have accounted for the higher OG.
The brew is a standard draught that comes as part of their starter kits.

The hardest part about the first brew is trying to be paitent!

cheers (& beers)


No worries Griffo,
Your LHBS people are only there to help you, but as you grow in experience you find that your OG will vary depending what is in your fermentable bag.

What he's told you is technically correct but you have to allow latitude for corrections. You may have got anything mate, but sounds like you'll end up with about 4.4%ABV in the bottles which is what I regularly achieve with different SG readings.

Trust me sometimes you'll think it is all smoke & mirrors :lol:

Oh, have you been taste testing your brew when taking the SG's? Is the brew tasting ok?

Hopefully you haven't been dropping your hydrometer into the fermenter.

If you have been doing the above cease and desist immediately and get a test column from your LHBS for testing.

You WILL brew good beer mate and you WILL enjoy the fruits of your efforts. It just takes time.

Coulda been some corn syrup in the mix as well.......
Yeah, the blend was dextrose, light malt & corn syrup.

I have been tasting a little from my SG's each time and it smells like beer but has a taste that's quite hard to describe, a bit sweeter than what beer is normally. I suppose it hasn't finished fermenting yet.

What is it meant to taste like? I guess that's an impossible question.

I have been drawing a sample into tube that the hydrometer came in and just floating it in that, think I read it somehwere. Is that normal practice?

Cheers (& beers)

Yeah, it has to condition and mature.

As long as it doesn't taste like a dead rat. :lol:
1.010 sounds about right for a K&K with the malt/dextrose mix.

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