Newb Kegerator Build

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Sarsaparilla I believe is a root.

I'm reading root beer requires a 3-4M line to control foaming and about double the gas beer needs.
Good thing I have a big CO2 tank
Yes, many questions. I did mention I'm new to kegging/keggerators. I'll hold off till I get some more work done on the box.

I'll go to the hardware store tomorrow and get a chunk of PVC pipe that is shank sized. Use my cone bit to make room for pvc spacer. Cut a backing board for the interior wall where the taps come through.

I was thinking of using some marine varnish on one of these for my drip tray.


I drilled 2 more tap holes and made my backing board. I love the way those PVC sleeves work out.

I am thinking of taking the remainder of my plexi and doing a drip tray/back-splash.

I can paint the back side any color.. silver, black...hmmmmmm?


What are these parts I circled called? I need the shut-off and one of the couplers.

What are these parts I circled called? I need the shut-off and one of the couplers.
I just picked up this lot on ebay for $16+ shipping. I think all my parts I need are there. (and a bunch I don't need)

I just picked up this lot on ebay for $16+ shipping. I think all my parts I need are there. (and a bunch I don't need)

There some updates. I finished painting and moved that little freezer of the keggerator. I installer a 1.5M long Stein Shelf and placed half of my collection up. I have a matching shelf but its elsewhere and needs to be retrieved



