New Morebeer Sculpture - 40 Gal

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Just reading the lastest MoreBeer newsletter, and they have added a new sculpture to their lineup.
A 40 gal system. You could run a small micro on this rig.
Here is the link


Again no affil ...... blah blah blah
WOW with one of them I would concider going AG.... I need that size to keep up... :)

Here's the killer.

Just a shade under 4 grand Oz. Sans shipping which would be a real killer. :unsure:

That said you'd have the mother of all systems for about 5 grand.

Wonder what the cost would be knocking one up yourself??? I'm picking it would be less then 5 thou.

Warren -
the fact that I have a mig and weld ....some times for a living ..... I could prob do it. get s/h s/s from the likes of farnsdell , ect ect . It probly be done quit a bit cheeper but to get it out of the box would be a thrill all of its own :) :) .....

Too true bunyip, all those giant shiney 180l pots would be a great thrill to any Hb'er. That system is too awesome, ill ask for it for christmas, hahaha.

Something tells me you'd require something in the order of an apprentice or a good shovel to get rid of your spent grains though. You'd be looking at roughly 30kgs of grain off the top of my head.

Bit scary to think that with 1 batch what you'd do if you basically brewed 150 litres of ****. :eek:

All that said, she's certainly a shiney, alluring, sexy bit of kit for sure.

Warren -
Well seeing they wanted up to $1000US to ship the 5gal model, i hate to think what it'd cost to ship that baby.
warrenlw63 said:
Bit scary to think that with 1 batch what you'd do if you basically brewed 150 litres of ****. :eek:

Warren -

Hasn't stopped some micros in the past, they just bottle it and call it boutique beer :huh: :blink: :angry:
anyone know of any australian manufacturers of gear like this? everyone knows the shipping on this sort of stuff is huge, so any made locally would be pretty competitive.
not that i could afford one even if it was made next door, plus making your own is always fun, but now im getting off topic on my own post :angry:
Well i do know a guy who makes 50L stills who was keen to get in and make some of these (anything for a $).

I'm also trying to convince a relative of a friend who happens to do food grase SS welding that it's a good idea too. The problem is neither are brewers, so the plans, costings etc need to be done by someone else.

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