Success! Target OG 1.048, I got approx 1.044. Slightly lower but there was some more wort left in the kettle so didn't boil off as much as I expected, that was due to about 15 or so minutes early on where the gas was turned down a little too much and lost the rolling boil and didn't realise. The final OG may be different but only a few points due to measuring the grav to be 1.014, taking temp which was at 80c and then taking the grav again which showed 1.018. I based it on 1.018@80c. It was about 12.30 this morning so outside temps were quite low.
I conditioned the grain before milling by lightly spraying it with warm water as I poured the grain into the hopper. With the drill at the lowest setting I slowly fed grain through. Took a while but didn't create any dust let alone a massive dust cloud I had on the weekend.
Increased the water-grain ratio to above 3 (was only meant to be 3 but pumped a bit more water in). Added the grains after adding the water which turned out a lot easier to ensure no doughballs and gave it a good mix through. Let it settle for a few minutes before opening the tun, starting pump and cracking the herms a little so there was some flow. Seems to be a bit of a juggling act trying to get the flow right as had to open the valve a fair bit to get it started and then pull it back, after a while the flow slowed a bit more so I'd stir the mash slightly only to discover it wasn't compact, opening the valve a little more and then backing off fixed - maybe some grains getting in the return? Had the soapy suds on top.
At the end of the brew I realised the mash was lower than I'd wanted - a good 5 degrees I guess. I expected the herms to keep the whole thing at 66c, but of course with the slow flow it would never be able to do it. Should I have the HERMS temp set to a few degrees higher than the desired mash temp. Maybe the strike temp wasn't correct and the cold night didn't help either. When I was doing the mash out I had to set the herms to 80 for the bed to come up to 75, also increased the flow through the herms but was there to stir it up. With the higher ratio it didn't compact anyway.
Made sure to slowly drain to the kettle and the bed didn't show any signs of cracking. Added sparge, gave a good stir and then let it sit for a few minutes before slowly draining again. Remaining grain looked nothing like the weekend - looked like the top of a cake.
Things I need to further improve - making sure the strike temp is right and has been recirced through the HERMS before adding grain - started a bit low and didn't realise till later. Adjust the herms to be slightly higher than mash (if that's recommended). mill the grain while waiting for temp in HLT or do it day before - managed to start the mash some time after 8 and didn't finish until after 12. Not being at the right temp impacted the time the most.