Neighbourly Revenge!

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Hey Guys,

Last nite some guys who live in my complex had a party that went on till 5am (loud music, swearing, cricket in the street, etc.)
This isnt the first party either, they seem to go on every week/fortnight. they soil the pool, bbq area and the pool toilet (i clean the toilet/pool/bbq area for some part time work).

So i'm thinking of throwing my spent grain in their bin (after bin day of course) each week for a few weeks, what else can the craft-brewer do to piss his neighbours off???

Maybe yeast slurry, water, sugar, 2L coke bottle, drop over the fence?????? Help me guys!

Oooo... I like that one. Except throw the fuses back in just before they come home. Then everything in the fridge has been well and truly warm, but still feels cold when they get home.
Or you could just invite yourself along to the party, given it's in a public area. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
very timely thread.

We have been having trouble the neighbours, they have a rock band and think that band practice until 2am at full noise in their house is acceptable. They only stop at 2am because I call the police. We have had the police visit them probably 6 times now. They get a warning and are quiet for 12hours then start again. They obviously think they know the rules on noise complaints, but I have news for them, in the form a noise pollution complaint to the council/EPA.

I used to have some tolerance for them, but after several visits from the police for the same thing, I have lost patience and call the police at the first loud noise from them practising their drums etc.

My kids get woken on Friday nights by their noise and that sets the stage for a pretty crappy weekend.
Deflate 2 tires on each of their vehicles. Opposite corners works best. They notice one before driving out, change it, try to drive out and notice the second as they start moving. Awesome.

Don't slash them because that would be naughty (and you might end up hurting yourself in the process).
Some prawn shells pushed into the air intake at the bottom of the windscreen. Will smell great after a couple of days. Take a few beers to the next party (dosed with laxettes)
Do as I do, shower at 2:30am.........

It was enough for my downstairs neighbour to call the real estate agent who in turn called me and asked if I could change the time I shower......

I politely told her to go get fucked and now make as much noise through the floor as possible.
Grab a bottle of brake fluid and put it into a pump bottle or similar. Squirt it up the exhaust pipe as hard as you can and as much as you can. When it gets hot it's just plumes and plumes of white dense smoke. Either they start stripping the motor down to re ring it or the coppers will take their cars off the road if spotted, which WILL be on their next drive.

Second and much better option would be complain to the complex manager and a must is also the Body Corporate. In complexes there are strict rules and obligations and they can be enforced easily or at least a no renewal of tenancy enforced if they are tenants.

I suspect you have a complex manager whom is an idiot and does not care if this is going on. He should and MUST take care of it immediately by law as he under an enforceable contract to 'manage' the complex and complex by-laws.
Fill a paper bag with stinky dog poo....drop it outside their front door, light the bag, ring doorbell, then run..
My neighbour used to play Celine Dion at 100000 DB at 5am in the morning while she did the vaccuming she liked to sing as well, I should probably note she had the voice of a troll and the tune of a Holden Gemini with a hole in the muffler.
target the car, wipe dog $hit under the *door handles and *wipers, jam a potato up the exhaust as far as you can, half a broom handle works well.

*use gloves
If you know their phone number, write it on every toilet wall you can find
Some prawn shells pushed into the air intake at the bottom of the windscreen. Will smell great after a couple of days. Take a few beers to the next party (dosed with laxettes)

Or a bottle of fish sauce, easier.
Open the fish sauce, sit it in the sun for a few days...AWSOME rankness....
Second and much better option would be complain to the complex manager and a must is also the Body Corporate. In complexes there are strict rules and obligations and they can be enforced easily or at least a no renewal of tenancy enforced if they are tenants.

I suspect you have a complex manager whom is an idiot and does not care if this is going on. He should and MUST take care of it immediately by law as he under an enforceable contract to 'manage' the complex and complex by-laws.

My neighbour used to play Celine Dion at 100000 DB at 5am in the morning while she did the vaccuming she liked to sing as well, I should probably note she had the voice of a troll and the tune of a Holden Gemini with a hole in the muffler.
Oh you poor *******.
My neighbour used to play Celine Dion at 100000 DB at 5am in the morning while she did the vaccuming she liked to sing as well, I should probably note she had the voice of a troll and the tune of a Holden Gemini with a hole in the muffler.

When I shingled the garage 3 years ago a neighbour somewhere down the street (not sure where it was coming from) set the same song to replay, over and over, from 9 am to after I finished at 6 pm. She turned it off twice, for maybe 5 minutes each time. I could hear her speaking to someone about what a great song it was and how she couldn't get enough of it.

About the time I finished I was seriously contemplating taking a header off of the highest point into the driveway. :angry:
Second and much better option would be complain to the complex manager and a must is also the Body Corporate. In complexes there are strict rules and obligations and they can be enforced easily or at least a no renewal of tenancy enforced if they are tenants.

I suspect you have a complex manager whom is an idiot and does not care if this is going on. He should and MUST take care of it immediately by law as he under an enforceable contract to 'manage' the complex and complex by-laws.

Yeah... but where's the fun in that?
When they have finished at 3am wait 4 hours until they start getting a headache and play loud music, vacuum and use outdoor style tools, i find grinders and mowers the best.

If you do this every time they do it they will get the hint.

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