As you are using a refractometer you need to be aware you cannot just read the measurement in brix and convert it to SG after the beer has been fermenting, alcohol changes the reading.I am using a refractometer.
Comments are great. I just would expect FG to drop down below 1.020.
Was brewing the Smurtons golden ale.
I am using a refractometer.
Comments are great. I just would expect FG to drop down below 1.020.
Was brewing the Smurtons golden ale.
That is fine, there is a linear relationship between SG and Brix, but a refractometer is only accurate for unfermented wort, as it reflects light based on the refractive index of sugary water.I am using a refractometer that gives specific gravity - doesn't show brix.
You got it!So - a refractometer is not necessarily accurate for fermented beer.
So - when the reading is stable - its a fair likelyhood that the beer has fermented out.
SO maybe my issue is a non issue - I should go and buy a hydrometer......
Looks like you used Beersmith for those figures, can be fairly inaccurate at times. Have had beers that the formula said were 1.002 and measured with hydrometer were actually 1.008. Another small problem with formulas used for adjusting readings.
If people don't have beersmith there is a chart HERE