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The Emu Formerly Known As Paul Newman's Nuclear Rauchbier

A very silly site indeed.......
Yummy Bock. :lol:

(Not first time I admit.)

Liked Bionic Madonna American Light Lager too.
I can generate bad enough names on my own.
Liked these two....

Old Pufferfish Lambic


Count Chocula's Cunning Black Jellyfish Maerzen
Yellow Chinese Valentine Day Wee Heavy :blink:
Smurf shlong Pale Ale is never going to take off
Quite possibly the most stupid site that I have ever spent an hour laughing at!!!
Ruby April Fools' Day Bire de Garde

hmm... would prefer it if there was some sort of input instead of just random picked words... so it could randomly choose something to jam onto the style you are making
Ruby April Fools' Day Bire de Garde

hmm... would prefer it if there was some sort of input instead of just random picked words... so it could randomly choose something to jam onto the style you are making

not everything has to have a purpose.


Ardvaark-Halitosis Bock.

I've got an image of the label in my head right now! :blink:
A few of my favs so far.

Yellow Ferrell Hippie Bavarian Dunkelweizen
Spiderman's Poisonous Squid Gueuze
The Squid Formerly Known As Big Bird's Retarded Stout

The Loch Ness Monster Formerly Known As Gary Coleman's Grunting Wee Heavy :chug:
Obi Wan Kenobe and Elvis's Bionic Pale Ale :beerbang:

Firkin Wit :blink:
For our kiwi brethren:
"Where's my Sheep? Schwartzbier"

I also like:
"Non-Euclidean Crackhouse Pale Ale"
"Bald Hippo Russian Imperial Stout"
First up...
Irish St. Paddy's Day Yellow Hefeweizen
What the...????

Moronic Super Duper Altbier

Stinky Epiphany Brown Koelsch

Paul Newman's Retarded Beige Pufferfish Bavarian Dunkelweizen, which I may have to change to "Paul Newman's Retarded Black Pufferfish Bavarian Dunkelweizen", as the grist got 300g of Carafa 1 instead of 100g.

Beige Insane Chewbacca Defense Rauchbier

Curious Spiderman Wit

Finnigan and Mothra's Flying Pilsner

Flying Unbefreakinglievable Altbier

The Sharks With Frickin Laser Beams Tied To Their Heads Formerly Known As Ace Ventura's Polyamorous Russian Imperial Stout

Now I must cease playing and check out the Mothra website.
Super Duper Obi Wan Kenobe Bock. :lol:

Yes, yes, yes... the force is strong in this name. :blink:

Warren -
I thought I'd brew whatever it gave me first up, so I clicked and got...

The Sheep Formerly Known As Mothra's Arrogant Bire de Garde :blink:

So much for the Kolsch!!

Others of note include:
Winston Churchill's Ferrell Beige Pufferfish Pilsner
Marcel Mersault and Satan's Flatulent Hefeweizen
L. Ron Hubbard and Hamburgler's Spiced Rauchbier

And one I'm definitely going to brew...

Flatulent Klingon Dopplebock :ph34r:

Interesting. I am thinking of doing a brown ale. At least now I could have a name for it - Invisible Rat Brown Ale

Also of interest:

Flying Satan Extra Special Bitter
Spiced Smurf Porter