My First Brew

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Moonie, ya know craft brewing is just like golf (thats flog spelt backwards, by the way) the better ya get the tougher the handicap. Ya just keep movin the goalposts on yourself, s'pose what i mean is that what you thought was great six months ago, is maybe not so good now.

Thankfully the outcome is the results improve. But somehow I doubt if we believe it. We need someone to bounce the beer off for an opinion, like your uncle the lucky bugger. Sounds like he is going to be sampling his fair share of free beer, also sounds like you are happy to share the fruits of your labour with him, so he must be a good bloke.

Father in law recently declared one of my brews was "the best beer he had ever tasted". This guy has had many of my previous beers and the comments have not always been so good. I was not that happy with the beer he was tasting, but upon reflection, it was much better than the previous 2 attempts at the style.

Once you progress to kegging, then bottle conditioning is not such an issue. Bottled beer morphs so much over time. I recently opened a 5 month old IPA and it was totally different (improved) to what it was even 7 weeks ago, but a Red Irish Ale 6 months in the bottle was over carbed and tasted worse to me than it did at 8 weeks.

Keep brewing and sharing that is what this great craft/hobby experience is all about. Much like a true Chef, we study, experiment and practice our craft to experience enjoyment from producing something which brings enjoyment to ourselves and others.

On On, Brew Brew, Moonie
Screwtop said:
Moonie, ya know craft brewing is just like golf (thats flog spelt backwards, by the way) the better ya get the tougher the handicap. Ya just keep movin the goalposts on yourself, s'pose what i mean is that what you thought was great six months ago, is maybe not so good now.

Good words of advice Screwtop, confidence also plays a major part in stepping forward. :)
I'm another newbie who's been brewing for ages but never been here - I used to brew regularly for about 8 years and in that time did all the kit variations there was - started out as a "supermarket brewer" and then a brew shop opened locally for me - after that I never looked back... Brewshops are your best friend.

I found that 3 months was the best time to start drinking my brews if I could restrain myself that long and so gained quite a supply of bottles.

With a job change to split shifts including weekends I stopped brewing for a while worst mistake I ever made my palate was ruined for ever and I sent myself broke buying microbrewed beers to try and regain the flavour I was missing.

Having changed jobs again the wife put the foot down and thank heavens I'd kept most of my stuff - apart from buying new fermenters and immersion heaters since Easter all I've bought is ingredients and now there are nine brews maturing away and I'm on the hunt for more bottles to fill - I've had a taste of a few and some are flat, some are crook but are getting better with age, some are amazing first taste. My biggest success an 18 litre batch of Coopers Stout - the less water really makes a difference to the flavour profile, 2 750's of that and it's time for a sleep...

Confidence is your best friend - I thought I'd lost the ability but 2 months in the flavour is back! I plan to stop buying the commercial stuff soon the flavour just can't compare.

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