My Beerbuds Are Changing

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Yeah, home brew has a stigma attached to it... but I get compliments about my home brew, and that's all I care about...
Last holidays away (Tuncurry c'van park) I was sitting outside one evening quietly savouring a Duvel when a guy from a few vans down brings up 2 Crownies for me - he couldn't stand to watch me drinking such bad beer
Hey Schmick
Where on earth did ya find Duvel round these parts? And yer probably lucky the guy didnt offer ya extra dry, seems that crownies and extra dry are the in things to drink up here, the RSL doesnt even carry Coopers! No worries, I just stay home and have a few, if I ever find myself out, I usually drink water rather than megaswill. Last xmas party, the boss put on crownies. I had one mouthfull and had to put my bottle down, much to the horror of everybody else. Wouldnt have done that 2 years ago, before I started brewing!
All the best
Maybe we can keep the image going and people will keep giving us poor brewers free beers.

I was at a party a few weeks ago when people turned up with a six pack of coronas. I'd just downed my Pils in a 1.25l litres PET bottle (poured in glass of course) which I was too lazy to put it into small bottles. Anyway the coronas were out and all the experts started telling me what a good beer it was. I just shut up and kept saying yes to another. I love the taste of lemon.

I find it a real dilema when I'm out as to what to drink. I love going out and I love a few beers, but I won't pay for a couple of premium beers when I could make 22.5 litres of the stuff at home.

Generally I stick with New, at least they don't say it's anything special, just good fun and does the job.
A couple of ideas for brews that won't scare the swill drinkers and have enough to keep the educated beer drinkers happy.

Australian ale
10% wheat malt
20% Munich malt
70% pale ale malt

og 1.050, IBU's 25, use fuggles and or goldings for bitterness with some flavour and aroma additions. Yeast either a neutral yeast or maybe culture up some coopers.

Vienna lager
50% pilsner malt
50% Vienna malt

og 1.050 25 IBU's using only good noble hops.
yeast, your favourite lager yeast, preferabley one that favours malty brews.

I have totally converted some beer drinkers, they now find drinking any commercial beer a let down. Had a guest the other weekend who doesn't like beer at all, but loved the Vienna lager. There are a few visitors that only like commercial megaswill, and they bring their own slabs of beer when they visit.
tangent, not AG but how about:

1x tin of cooper's canadian blonde hopped concentrate,

500g light dry malt,

500 jar of rice syrup (available coles health food section for circa $3.50) and,

the zest of a lime, lemon, orange and mandarin boiled for 10-15 minutes to kill spores.

it'll be light, and citrusy.

I'm now drinking a blonde made with the zest (but with BE2, not rice syrup) and it's a winner.
i've done a heap of those kind of brews Luna, but I've promised myself that I'll punch myself in the face if I do another tin of goo brew. :)

(even though I've still got about 6 cans stashed around the place - "Merry Xmas Dad, here's 6 cans of goo!")
It makes me laugh when my family all get into me about drinking homebrew. They all stand around drinking XXXX and Victoria Bitter (out of a can) and call me a cheapo. They refuse to even try my homebrew. The idea that homebrew is just cheap rubbish has sunk so deeply into their heads that they can't even try a mouthfull. I just laugh at them when they claim Crown Lager to be a "Premium" beer. The only thing premium about it is the price.
Trent said:
Hey Schmick
Where on earth did ya find Duvel round these parts? And yer probably lucky the guy didnt offer ya extra dry, seems that crownies and extra dry are the in things to drink up here, the RSL doesnt even carry Coopers!

Smuggled em from home in the kids sleeping bags :ph34r: :lol:
I figured they'd be well padded in case of an accident and if they leaked I could always wring them out into a glass and suck on what's left.

Ended up buying my first and only (case of) Toohey's Pils from Pedro's (?) in the main street.
Never falling for that trick again... wtf was I thinking?
Adding insult to injury I lugged them all the way back to the van on foot.

Should have taken them to a neighbour's van and told him his beer was crap drink these... ;)
Ryanator - don't forget the premium glue that holds the labels onto Crownie bottles, now that's good glue!
Airgead said:
shmick said:
Last holidays away (Tuncurry c'van park) I was sitting outside one evening quietly savouring a Duvel when a guy from a few vans down brings up 2 Crownies for me - he couldn't stand to watch me drinking such bad beer :lol:

Similar (but less plesant) thing happened to me. Camping in a caravan park and woke up to find a bunch of #&#!)$^ kids had slashed our flyscreen tent and nicked our esky. Found it later that day stashed under a van a few hundred meters away. They had nicked the two bottles of coopers I had in there but left all my homebrew behind.


same here had my garage broken in to they left the cupboard full of home brew alone but took all my wine that we had just bought on a trip down to the barossa. the bastard took two and a half grands worth but no one saw anything :angry: :(
tangent said:
Ryanator - don't forget the premium glue that holds the labels onto Crownie bottles, now that's good glue!

Haha yeah it's a bastard getting them labels off.

Need a new family. Mates are no good either all happy to drink homebrew. The outlaws are even in on it. :ph34r:

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