Munton's Kit Query

  • Thread starter Brewnicorn
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Hey Brewers,

went to a new HB store on Saturday (10 September) morning last week & got a home brew beer kit to put in the fermenter. I got :
- Munton’s Connoisseurs IPA Bitter
- Light malt 1kg
-100g of Jarrylo Hop Pellets (25g to be used 3-4 days before bottling)

General Idea being a lightly hopped good quality bitter.

The method I got was to cut back the wort level to 19 litres total (3 litres hot water munton's tin then top up with cold to 19 litres, I pitched the yeast at 21 degrees, leave to ferment 18-20 degrees, dry hop in the fermenter 3 days before bottling. Leave in bottles for a good 2 months. I used the standard kit yeast after being assured that Muntons used very good quality yeast despite not requiring refrigeration.

My questions are about the brew & what to expect - the fermentation had slowed significantly since i put the brew down on Saturday lunchtime. Yesterday down to 2-3 minutes or more without bubbling in the airlock. I took a hydrometer reading today & the brew was sitting close to the finish mark having started at 1050+ it’s now down to 1020ish. I understand that using less water initially (19 litres instead of 23) can add to the alcohol level in the brew & create stronger smells esters etc but the smell I got today was a little ethanol, vinegary, apple-like but the hydrometer test gave me a chance to try the taste which wasn’t as strong as the smell but similar. Kind of like that **** crown lager apple taste but a bit stronger.

It’s hard to say it’s got an infection but I’d like to know what the smells should be like at about this stage where fermentation seems to have slowed. During the bubbling it was a lovely malty smell. I can continue but if i need to wait 2 months in bottles before I know for sure & it’s off I won’t be too happy in the result as you could understand.

I’d be grateful for any hints or tips advice - happy to ditch it than be heart broken but if leaving it another week gives me the clearer picture I can d that too.
cheers guys
I have only every brewed one Muntons kit and didn't think enough of it to repeat the exercise. If it were me I would take a sample of it in a jar or PET bottle to the brew shop who sold it to you and vouched for their yeast. They should know if it is off or not. It is normally a very good rule of thumb to buy a premium yeast for most kit beers as most of the good yeasts come in bigger packets - usually 12 grams unlike the kit yeasts that are usually 5 - 7 grams. Under-pitching could be a factor here.

I suspect that 1020 is way to high to be finishing up. At the temp range that you specified five days is way to early to be thinking that it is finished. Did you draw off a sample and dispose of before testing and tasting? I normally ditch the first vial full that comes out of the tap as that is always full of yeast and it tastes foul. In any case I would leave the brew for another week before tasting again as once the ferment is complete it then gives the yeast a chance to drop out and clean up after itself. If it still tastes like **** after 2 weeks then don't even bother bottling it.
Hey Lagerfrenzy
I drew off a sample and chucked it. Then hit the second one with the hydrometer. I wasn't interested in finishing the brew but the difference in bubbling was significant enough for me to check the hydro. I definitely agree 1020 says it has more to go so I'm
Content to leave it a bit longer and see. But taking a sample to the store is tempting.
I've emailed the shop for a heads up. The yeast was a small packet but it might be a perfect storm of too much sugar too little yeast. That said if it carries the flavours it has now it'll be ****.
I'll hold fire a bit longer and see - thanks for the guidance too - really appreciated.
My Tina might be a one time gig!
I brewed the London porter kit and it came out very nice, will be doing it again
thanks Memnoch. I contacted the store and they were helpful.. I took an additional gravity reading and it'd dropped slighty in the three days since my initial reading from 1020 down to 1017-ish. I'll keep an eye on it but fermentation has pretty well finished so the drops from here may not be enough to save it. happy enough with the feedback from the store but I am curious about the initial advice i got from a different member of staff about dropping the volume of water going in to make the wort. Time will tell!
So I'm going to post a pic showing the brew kit, the OG and hydro readings from d days after it was out down, 2 days later per advice from the store to see whether the fermentation was ongoing and the last one. It's not moved much if at all the smell is still odd to me, vinegary and not too much clearer than the start. I might take a sample in to the store on Saturday but I think it's toast. No fungus on top to speak of which is good. I dry hopped per instructions just in case it was still ok, but I'm almost convinced she's gone. Any thoughts? Pic is left to right in order.


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I spend a bit of time on an English homebrew forum. I'm sure, although I'd have to go back and double check, that I read it was quite common for Muntons yeast to fail.

Several people on the site said they contacted Muntons and got no joy from them.
I accidentally started rambling about this brew in another thread but so far so good. But the Muntons colour is pretty dark for a bitter. It's not anywhere near the 2 month period recommended (3 weeks) but it's so dark.
Any thoughts?

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I just tried my first (and last) Muntons IPA coniseurs kit which turned out vinegary with mouldy stuff floating on top.

It was my first failed brew out of about 50. Always very careful cleaning and sanitizing everything. Had 2 other Coopers (which I mostly buy) brews going at the same time with no probs.

Had a great chat with Dave from ESB Brewing in Peakhurst who very kindly sent out a replacement ESB English IPA kit immediately which I can currently hear happily bubbling away downstairs.

Cheers Dave you're a top bloke who I thoroughly recommend, and I look forward to drinking my first home made IPA.
The name of the kit sounds confused :lol:. Is it meant to be an IPA or an English bitter? They are different. How much yeast actually comes with it? Probably not enough in reality. Dropping the volume will increase the ABV if it ferments out properly, as well as concentrate the flavours a bit more, but there's still as much sugar to yeast ratio as there would have been if it was mixed to 23 litres with a kit and kg of malt. The amount of fermentables hasn't changed, only the concentration in water.

How did it turn out anyway? I haven't seen this other thread.
Hi Rocker, replacement kit by ESB says English IPA. Comes with 11.5g S-04 sofale yeast.

Haven't tried yet as I just started it today but i hope it will be better than Muntons.
Oops, sorry mate was referring to the Muntons kit. The ESB ones get a good wrap from what I've seen though so it should turn out alright.
I used the standard yeast which I was told would be up to the job. It's not for a fact. I tired the beer the other night when testing for bottle Bombs and it wasn't bad. It was full of body and carbonated well- it should with all the remnant bloody sugar. I've been told to leave it for 3 months so happy to report back. I might try getting a mate to sample it this weekend. If he doesn't pass out I'll report back. ;)
*UPDATE* so after a month and a bit in the bottles (short of the recommended 2 months, but I'm only flesh) I tried the Bitter tonight. It's not bad. It's a bitter, plain as really, I can see why they recommended lemon rinds in the initial brew as it has some hints of that already. Super dark, a hint of home brew twang of old on the nose but overall it's ok. Nothing to rave about. Chalk this up as a Muntons' lesson.

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