Msn Email Swap?

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I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
Reaction score
South Australia
I have been thinking about doing this for a while, what about if people on the forum who have MSN exchanged email addresses so they can chat to each other on MSN? I am not trying to circumvent the forum on this site; this would just be another way for people on the board to contact each other.

If you aren't comfortable in posting your email in a public arena like this (for spamming etc reasons) then you could pm or email it to me and I'll send the list to people who are interested.

Anyone interested in such a setup?


peas_and_corn said:
I have been thinking about doing this for a while, what about if people on the forum who have MSN exchanged email addresses so they can chat to each other on MSN? I am not trying to circumvent the forum on this site; this would just be another way for people on the board to contact each other.

If you aren't comfortable in posting your email in a public arena like this (for spamming etc reasons) then you could pm or email it to me and I'll send the list to people who are interested.

Anyone interested in such a setup?

You can also add your MSN/ICQ/AOL addy into your profile information.
