Ok you have a bit to learn.
First just because someone publishes a recipe doesent mean its a good one. In this case Irish Red is usually an Ale, your recipe uses a lager yeast with an 84.4% apparent attenuation (improbable). Other choices will give an higher FG and need changes to your fermentation profile.
Adjusting your mash temperature, and choosing some Vienna or Munich malt will up the FG and the body of the beer.
There is a pretty good writeup on Brisbane water chemistry on the
BABS site, might be worth a read, pay attention to your Carbonate, its in the form of Bi-Carbonate. Generally regarded as tempoary hardness, with whats there I doubt you will hit ideal mash pH, a bit of Lactic or Phosphoric and some way to measure your pH accuratly might be worth while.
As a starting out brewer I would recomend you make the same 1 Malt 1Hop addition beer a couple or three times in a row(something like Coopers Pale Ale). You will learn heaps if you pay attention and keep notes. A brewer makes beer not software, you need a bit of a knowledge base and a skill set, it will take time to develop.
Might be worth hooking up with the guys at BABS, they sound a pretty enthuastic bunch and are often happy to share.