Measuring Hop Pellets

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I am waiting for my little scales to come from E-bay but in the mean time would like to know if there is an easy way to measure small amounts of hop pellets with out a scale. Is there a rough weight per pellet. Usually I just try to eye them up knowing that there is say 25 grams in a pack and break it down into equal amounts. What do you guys do?

Easy, just go to your LHS and buy a premade 12g bag, then rough guesses by volume...

I use my high-precision electronic scales and hope the coppers don't come barging in and get the wrong impression.

In my opinion, there really is no other way if you're focus is repeatable consistency and you're as anally retentive as ... well ... me. :rolleyes:
I am waiting for my little scales to come from E-bay but in the mean time would like to know if there is an easy way to measure small amounts of hop pellets with out a scale. Is there a rough weight per pellet. Usually I just try to eye them up knowing that there is say 25 grams in a pack and break it down into equal amounts. What do you guys do?


You are in the right ball park 65,. throw em in, if its a real bad beer, chances are it wasnt the hops, if it is a good beer but maybe not quite there , it could be the hops. I would advocate it is "your beer" ................... throw those hops about and if it aint right adjust it next time!, there are plenty other things too nail b4 "did i put 20 or 25 grams in there" Check out the sponsors, the hops r fresh n great.
I am waiting for my little scales to come from E-bay but in the mean time would like to know if there is an easy way to measure small amounts of hop pellets with out a scale. Is there a rough weight per pellet. Usually I just try to eye them up knowing that there is say 25 grams in a pack and break it down into equal amounts. What do you guys do?

only way to go without an accurate scale.
measure them in handfulls, that way if it's not hoppy enough, just increase the number of handfulls for the next batch. but seriously, divvy up the new pack into 10g lots i.e 90g is 9 equal piles. bit of hit and miss, but never hurts to add a few more, just to be safe!
Brew bigger batches!

If you use the Maple Method, there will be an error of about a finger. One finger difference across a 23litre batch may have a noticeable difference, but one finger of hops difference across a 48 or 96 litre batch will be less noticeable.

The answer to many problems is to brew more beer...

All the above methods work ok for low alpha hops. Try measuring Magnum (15%) or Warrior (17%) without an accurate scale and you'll probably end up wayyy off the mark :)

All the above methods work ok for low alpha hops. Try measuring Magnum (15%) or Warrior (17%) without an accurate scale and you'll probably end up wayyy off the mark :)


Agreed, a decent digital scale is on my "to buy soon" list!
Agreed, a decent digital scale is on my "to buy soon" list!

Give some thought to the amounts you're likely to be measuring. I bought some digital scales that do 100g in 0.01g increments. They are excellent for hops, but not for grain or extracts, etc. (Duh!) If you think you might want to apply the same level of pedantry to grain/extract/sugar/tofu quantities in your brewing that you do/will to hops, either bigger scales or two might be in order. If two, you might do better to buy them both at once to get deeper discount, or save on P&H, etc...

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