Maths Cracks Beer Froth Mystery

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Really they should have just asked us. While the maths is good to predict what will happen with the bubbles, the science behind what gives a good head, and the difference between head on Guiness and other beers has nothing to do with a surfactant as the article suggests.

Sounds like a con to get funding to drink lots of beer and get paid for research. Why the hell didn't I think of that ? :p


Maths cracks beer froth mystery

Froth on a pint of beer quickly disappears. Mathematicians have come up with a formula that predicts how the head on a pint of beer will change after pouring.

Their advance could shed light on why the foam on a pint of lager quickly disappears, but the froth on a pint of Guinness sticks around.
[Professor Srolovitz] added: "I don't know the tricks that Guinness uses, they could be adding a little surfactant to get the head just right - that is just pure speculation on my part."

Nice work, 'professor' - perhaps the next time you're about to give birth to unfounded rumours of artificial ingredients going into a brewer's product you could try GOOGLING for the answer first - or (heaven forbid) contacting the brewer?

It defies belief that anyone could publish an article on beer bubble dynamics without having even stumbled across the basics :blink:

what next i cant beleive that when i was in the uk working and going to college there i was able to do a celler masters certificate and progress to a brewing acreditation after that .i only was able to stay 12 months due to family issues in Australia . When i got back though i wanted to go to college here and do the same brewers course which was in the uk @ 8 months full time with a 12 month placement at a brewery .But it seems that in Australia i needed to have some sort of associated science diploma before i could do the course here in Australia.
now i am no einstein but what the hell dose having a degree in an associated scienc have to do with wanting to be a brewer before you even start.

but yes there seems to be a big ephises on uni degrees here beforeyou can do the course you want, they will not even look at you even if your the most passionate about beer .

mathamaticians should take there babble and learn how to brew before they teach a mathmatical theory.May be we should send these wally brains a link to JJ PALMERS SITE (HOW TO BREW) after all most of what they are getting a grant for has all ready been covered.
did you ever here of CHUCK HAHN explaining the fundamentals of an Atomic dust cloud
this is why we are short of hands on people in Australia because employers want mathamaticians and governments for years in this country have pushed for a smart Australia so i say YOU MIGHT HAVE A UNIVERSITY DEGREE OR A DOCTORETT BUT THAT DOSE NOT MEAN you know every thing. all this means is "YOU KNOW WHY AND HOW AND IF IT AIN'T TEXT BOOK IT CAN'T BE DONE" (BEN LEXAN) ACHADEMICALLY SPEAKING

but yes there seems to be a big ephises on uni degrees here beforeyou can do the course you want, they will not even look at you even if your the most passionate about beer .

Maybe you could wear a leotard and dance at the interview?
Being able to spell might be a good start :ph34r:
i did ware the tutu and sory about the spelling the spell checker was set to bogan.
