Macintosh Brewing Software - Beeralchemy

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Cheers Tangent
beta testing the next version now, and there's some COOL extras.
I'm sure BA users out there in AHB land will be stoked!
What kind of extras are we talking?

I own a copy of BA, but don't use it anymore. Although I love the interface and some of the features (grist by percent etc), I find Beersmith (under VMWare) much better in terms of equipment calibration etc.
can't mention too much yet, but inventory and lots of little bits and pieces have been tweaked and improved.
I can't think of anything I'm needing in BA as far as equipment calibration. Have you set up "my brewery" and "my water" preferences?
Yeah, I don't have access to the app at the moment (at work) but will take another look at home tonight. I seem to remember a lack of compensation for deadspace in the kettle & tun and other small tweaks like that. It is possible that things have changed as I haven't used it in at least 6 months.
If you require any tweaks, just use the feedback option and Steve generally includes it in the new release.

Remind me, what does deadspace (the gap above the mash/wort?) in the kettle and tun do in regards to brewing results? My strike temps and mash temps have been spot on.
If you require any tweaks, just use the feedback option and Steve generally includes it in the new release.

Remind me, what does deadspace (the gap above the mash/wort?) in the kettle and tun do in regards to brewing results? My strike temps and mash temps have been spot on.

Useful for calculating required sparge water (though I must admit I do this manually now anyway) and tweaking batch size.

I'll download the latest vers tonight and take another look.
It's all there mate ;)
I've been using this software for sometime now and would be lost without it.
I think you'll be stoked with the new version Devo. I'm doing a brew on Friday (hopefully) so I'll take the new beta for a real spin then.
The inventory improvements mean I'm actually going to spend 1/2 a day in the shed and inventory EVERYTHING! Malt, hops, a/a levels, whirlflock, you name it....
Then hopefully, no more last minute changes of recipe because I've run out of something.

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