So I started my second brew 16 days ago and the FG still seems to be dropping. It was a canadian blonde with 1kg DME and 0.5kg dex, 10g willamette at 15 min and 20 at 5 with a dry hop of 15g cascade 4 days ago. It was fermented at 18 degrees with us05. The kit and extract spread sheet gave an estimated final gravity of 1.011 and og of 1.046. It started of at 1.048 and 2 days ago the sg was 1.006, today it is 1.005 which is close to 90% attenuation... Is it normal to end up with a lower than expected final gravity and what normally causes it? it still seems to smell ok and nothing funky seems to be growing so I don't think it is infected but I was looking for it to be a little less dry.