Low Or No Alcohol Beer

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OK, here is a question for all you folk out there. To get a no Alco beer could you take the Final gravity of a beer that you intend to make, Adjust the grain bill to suit and do a SG brew that would replicate a brew that has gone through full fermentation without the additition of yeast, to achieve a non alco beer? I admit the flaw in my cunning plan here is that yeast does add a lot of character to a beer but if you were intending to do a neutral flavored beer or a beer that used a lot of maltier grain could this work? Using forced carbonation of course to stay true to the non alcohol theme.
Its been widely known that Panadole is a liver toxin. . Any doctor will tell you these effects

Asprin is a better pain killer, but does thin the blood.

Codine ( a derivative of Morphine) is actually one of the best pain killers known to man. It and its brothers Pethadine , Morphine and Heroin dont cause to many problems to the human body as a clinical drug. They are addictive because of the effect,feelings and qualities they produce as a pain killer...

Marajuana is also known as a pain killer but to many people just like to be stoned for it to be taken seriously
The result was much better than I had expected. While I don't know exactly what % alcohol was left (if any - anybody got any ideas about how to measure?)

Can you not just take a gravity reading before and after your boil? I'm guessing you should see an increase in Gravity as there'll be less alcohol. So if you start at 1.010 and after your boil you finish at 1.015 you should have reduced the alcohol by .65% (as per Promash). Does this sound right?

Depending on your mates condition, I'd be inclined to try to make a ~1% beer. Mash thick and hot and add some Crystal to get some body into it.

according to the chick at the boags brewery tour, boiling off is
exactly how they make there premium light beer, which inturn retains
flavour. Apparently other brewries just water down there lights but i doubt she could provide an unbiased opinion of other brewery teqniques if u take into account who puts those sweet gold coins in her bank account each week.
A good friend of mine is on some pretty heavy duty medication which means no consumption of alcohol. This got me to thinking about some basic physics and that alcohol evaporates at less than 100C.

Without getting into the science of it, I tried a quick and imprecise method of lowering alcohol the other day - and was pleasantly surprised with the results.

Step 1: Pour beer (in our case a hefeweissen) from tap into PET bottle (to get the right volume for later).
Step 2: Pour beer into open saucepan and heat gently until simmering. (And smell the alcohol evaporating - just like a still for those who've operated one).
Step 3: Allow beer in saucepan to chill sufficiently and then pour back into PET bottle.
Step 4: Chill and then gas the contents. In our case we have one of those cap thingys that allows you to gas up a PET bottle with a standard gas fitting.
Step 5: Drink and enjoy as much of it as you want. :party:

The result was much better than I had expected. While I don't know exactly what % alcohol was left (if any - anybody got any ideas about how to measure?), the result was not that dissimilar to the original beer. It had less flavour and was a bit sterile in that clean commercial lager sense. If anything, the flavour was slightly sweeter as though caramelised.

While this may not be a very kind thing to do to a nicely crafted beer, for special occasions like this one the effort is worth it. I could certainly have kept drinking this modified beer all night without any trouble. Still much nicer than most beer you can buy.

cheers, Arnie

This may help?
Can you not just take a gravity reading before and after your boil? I'm guessing you should see an increase in Gravity as there'll be less alcohol. So if you start at 1.010 and after your boil you finish at 1.015 you should have reduced the alcohol by .65% (as per Promash). Does this sound right?

Depending on your mates condition, I'd be inclined to try to make a ~1% beer. Mash thick and hot and add some Crystal to get some body into it.

Hi Russ,

thanks for the thoughts. I'm not sure I can bring myself to do a full batch of low alcohol beer though. I like the idea of a simple mini-boil occasionally.

cheers, Arnie
sorry to go OT there arnie :rolleyes:

This link is all I've got stored in my links,worth a read.
cheers Brauluver,

this is the kind of thing I was looking for. Doesn't yet give me a way to measure alcohol, but the time factor is near enough.