3rd BIAB, and resulted in my 2nd low efficiency. 1st and last (today) were low for some reason, had to bump the SG up at the end of the boil with DME and Dextrose. Difference today was I see a drill to grind the grain using my Victoria Grain Mill instead of doing it by hand. Checked to see if the grind wasn't too course or fine. Doing Dr Smurto's Golden Ale, all going fine until I checked the volume and SG at the end of the boil.
Grain bill was:
JW PIlsner 3239g
BM Munich 1080gBM
Wheat Pale 1080g
Wyermann Caramunich 57g
Amarillo as per recipe.
SG before adding extra DME and Dex was 1.020!! Target was 1.047. Mashed at 67 degC for 60 mins, boiled for 90 mins
I'm suspecting it's the mill or I'm not grinding it fine enough. but 80% of the husks are in half, not too much flour tho, has white flecks about 1mm diameter throughout with some flour, but I did think there should be more. I'm hoping you're going to tell me not to worry about betting bad flavours by over grinding. If it is the grinder is it worth double grinding at the same setting or just do it once with a tighter setting.
3rd BIAB, and resulted in my 2nd low efficiency. 1st and last (today) were low for some reason, had to bump the SG up at the end of the boil with DME and Dextrose. Difference today was I see a drill to grind the grain using my Victoria Grain Mill instead of doing it by hand. Checked to see if the grind wasn't too course or fine. Doing Dr Smurto's Golden Ale, all going fine until I checked the volume and SG at the end of the boil.
Grain bill was:
JW PIlsner 3239g
BM Munich 1080gBM
Wheat Pale 1080g
Wyermann Caramunich 57g
Amarillo as per recipe.
SG before adding extra DME and Dex was 1.020!! Target was 1.047. Mashed at 67 degC for 60 mins, boiled for 90 mins
I'm suspecting it's the mill or I'm not grinding it fine enough. but 80% of the husks are in half, not too much flour tho, has white flecks about 1mm diameter throughout with some flour, but I did think there should be more. I'm hoping you're going to tell me not to worry about betting bad flavours by over grinding. If it is the grinder is it worth double grinding at the same setting or just do it once with a tighter setting.