Lovely Valley Brewery

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Hi Guys

Just want to see if anyone had been to the brewery in myponga adn if they had any thoughts on the place been meaning to get down there to see what they are like they seem to have a good range of beers in bottles at some good prices from what i have heard. A guy I was talking to last we said that they do a mixed carton for about $45 which seems bloody good for a micro. I plan to get down there next weekend and will post some thoughts when i get back but would love to know if anyone has been down there


About the only thing I have heard about that brewery is that the beer is absolute crap.
Others have called it worse than the worst k&k homebrew you have ever tasted.

type 'myponga' into a search, and have a read. :)
that's what i've heard as well, and that they're extract brews :eek:
lol, I wasn't going to say that in case I was mistaken and they sued me....:)
Quite a range of beers and made with "coral based" water but don't bother , go down and try the Steam Exchange Brewery in Goolwa.
wtf is 'coral based' water anyway? Sounds like something dreamed up by a drunk marketing executive......
"The Lovely Valley Beverage Factory's products are made using Coral Base water, which is high in minerals. "

You can taste the coral base water in just about all there beers!
I'll also pipe up also and say the ones I sampled had major technical faults and thats putting it kindly. Undrinkable is more to the point.
Just had a look at their site, which had this info on their water

Typical analysis shows Mg./L., Magnesium 23.5, Bicarbonate 176, Sodium 149, Potassium 3.4, Calcium 29.0, Sulphate 69.1, Iron .030, Chloride 202 and pH 7.2 - 8.3.

High Na and Cl and low Ca levels would make this a bugger of a water to use in all grain batch. They are getting away with it because they are using kits.

Well think I might have to change the plans for next weekend might just head down to the steam exchange instead. Thanks for the heads up although still might drop in and have a taster just curious now it see if it really that bad. It might explain why it cheap
its been three years since i moved on from the vale, i am curious to know if they have moved on from using 60L plastic fermentors.
Stay far away from Lovely Valley if you like beer.
Quite possibly the worst mixed 6 pack of beers I've ever had.
3 were infected with a medicinal flava that was overpowering and the other 3 were just plain ****.

A close second would be the beers made by the hold fast pub on site.An overt soapy yeast bite that masks the malt flava beneath.
Last time I looked in, which must be over a year ago, they were indeed still using 60L plastic fermenters, with blooping gloop on display, fermenting in a room visible, through glass, from the tasting area. Judging from the pictures still posted on their web site, nothing much has changed in that regard.

AFAICR all the beers were being fermented at the same ambient temperature.

Nobody at the shop front could tell me anything at all about the brewing process. Words like "all grain", or "extract" seemed to be a foreign language to them. Admittedly the "brewer" was away for the day, but you would hope even temporary staff would be equipped with some product knowledge.

There still going though after a few years now, so maybe they are doing something right???
DO NOT i repeat, DO NOT go there, horrable horrable beer, i went there because i didn't believe everyone saying how bad it was and it was on the way to where we were going anyway, bloody awfull and yep they were still using 60L plastic fermenters, i feel sick thinking about there "sparkling ale" of which i felt i had to buy a bottle of just so i didn't upset the guy there. yuck

funny how there beer list reflects the range of coopers kits available

deffinatly go to the steam exchange, the beer was as good as at grumpy's at the time i went

Is it even legal to sell beer made from the kits? For some reason i thought it wasnt. If its ok then i have several dozen for sale that sound like they are slightly better than what this crowd are selling :lol:
all you need to do Dr is keep records like an accountant and do a fu<kload of paperwork, jump though some hoops and pay excise so you don't end up in pris.
But yes, it SHOULD be illegal to sell extract beers.

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