Losing Sleep

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Ok how many people lay awake at night with ideas running through there heads?
Since joining this forum i have had many late nights reading plus more nights with very little sleep> lying in bed thinking.

With plans for my AG setup now added to my to do list its even worse so many ways to skin a cat. My objective is to try and collate what i hope is the best of everyones ideas.

So i dont know whether to blame or thank this forum for what i feel is more likely to become an obsession rather than just brewing cheap beer which was my initial goal.

Actually i blame my keg setup without it i wouldnt have discovered this forum or others by i tend to stick to AHB now as all the info i need is always right here.

Anyway its thanks really (to the forum, to all who post) for all the help, ideas, recipes,

Glad to be here

mashing in your dreams and waking up wondering if it's cool enough to pitch the yeast yet? :)
it is an obsession!
I blame Brauluver for giving me the link to this site. Now thanks to him I have 3 fermenters, grain, hops, yeast, cleaners i cannot pronounce, 40L of nice beer to drink and an interesting and enjoyable hobby.

Ok so its not all that bad :)
It used to be 'Women' 'Money' 'Beer' now it's 'Beer' 'Beer' 'Beer' 'Women' 'Money' Cheers 15BL :beer:
I've called my production line Midnight Brewery due to the large number of brews where the yeast is pitched after midnight, sometimes substantially later. :p

Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion. Paul Carvel

A passion sounds a lot better, doesn't it.

Stuster said:
Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion. Paul Carvel

So i guess he's saying "Passion is a positive negative passion." Mmmm i'll think on that one tonight.


I am totally hearing you Recharge! I am hoping my initial and totally unbridled enthusiasm shortly settles down into something less obsessive! As I said in a post the other day, I think it's high time I get another girlfriend! ;)
It's strange, before AHB (or 'BAHB' :p ) I never used to drink much beer!!! Now I can't wait to try a new beer to educate my palate to the miriad of different subtlies that I have read about in learning AG brewing. I've not done an AG yet as I am slowly getting all the equipment togeather which is draining the bank balance as well, much to the disgust of SWMBO. Can't say that at this stage it is working out cheaper to homebrew, but can you put a price on the fun you have getting there! All of this can be attributed to this great forum. Without it I would not have had the spark that started this passion or is it an obsession? As for sleepless nights they seem to be becoming more frequent as the plot thickens...yeast farming, temp. controllers, fermentation fridges, wort chillers, researching hops, gas burners....to mention just the tip of the iceberg!!!Ahhhh wouldn't have it any other way :super:

I have the book "designing great beers by ray daniels" on my bedside table, i usually refer back to a few chapters and formulate recipes in my head before going to sleep. My missus thinks its wierd.... But it helps me get to sleep, once i have the recipe in my head i can go to sleep without staying awake all night thinking about it.
If you are having trouble sleeping, just stuff your pillow with some hop flowers :D

Hops Hymulus lupulus

Hops are important medicinally for the calming effect. A pillow stuffed with hops flowers will assist to overcome insomnia.

Hops are sedative, and are useful in treating nervous tension as well. Good with coughs, bladder problems, and liver problems. Hops also assist in removing body toxins. Externally, Hops can be used for rashes and itchy skin as well as hives.
My SWMBO is getting worried about me too. I think it might have something to do with the constant detached/ dreamy look. When she asks me "what are you thinking ?" Well ! I was thinnking about using two 6mm id copper lines in parallel for my CFC to increase flowrate blah blah mumble mumble. Hmmm.
I don't know whether I should show her this forum or she might really freak out. :blink:
Ross said:
If you are having trouble sleeping, just stuff your pillow with some hop flowers :D

Hops Hymulus lupulus

Hops are important medicinally for the calming effect. A pillow stuffed with hops flowers will assist to overcome insomnia.

Hops are sedative, and are useful in treating nervous tension as well. Good with coughs, bladder problems, and liver problems. Hops also assist in removing body toxins. Externally, Hops can be used for rashes and itchy skin as well as hives.

Well now that your going into the Hop business Ross maybe you should have your own patented "Hopillow" on the market awell :p
Hops are sedative, and are useful in treating nervous tension as well. Good with coughs, bladder problems, and liver problems. Hops also assist in removing body toxins. Externally, Hops can be used for rashes and itchy skin as well as hives.

I remember seeing hops at a natural high shop before I started brewing...

My SWMBO is getting worried about me too. I think it might have something to do with the constant detached/ dreamy look. When she asks me "what are you thinking ?" Well ! I was thinnking about using two 6mm id copper lines in parallel for my CFC to increase flowrate blah blah mumble mumble. Hmmm.

Soon she'll be saying "Your thinking about beer aren't you!" like my wife
Ross! I fell about laughing when I read your hop pillow post! I know you're serious but I just imagined some psychologist reading this thread about beer obsession and then seeing your suggestion of stuffing your pillow with hops! (Does anyone know a psychologist that can treat me for, 'beer rage' when I get my next infected brew?

P.S. How much for a Hopillow? Come on - I'm serious!
Well it would appear i'm not alone. I drew up some plans for my brew stand today and i know i'll be going to bed thinking about how i can put which valve where when i get my march pump.

Its all good.

As for SWDWST it's "your not on that bloody forum again are you" or "are you reading about beer again"


Well, it's been a while since my last post, I'm still in israel, in Eilat, a fantastic place that I love.

This forum has an interesting affect on a lot of people. They join as kit brewers, and after not long they are doing AG and building their own cool room in their back yard, justifying it because 'it's cheaper than running the 6 fridges we run now'.
...the next stage you may achieve is, everytime you stroll through Supermarkets and/or building centres and everything you see there, you judge if you can use it for brewing beer or not. :)
Zwickel said:
...the next stage you may achieve is, everytime you stroll through Supermarkets and/or building centres and everything you see there, you judge if you can use it for brewing beer or not. :)

The stage after that becomes even scarier Zwickel.

I've been known to drool at a hospital or the local Doctor's surgery...

Hmmm... O2 bottles and regulators, big packs of isopropyl wipes, autoclaves, peristaltic pumps. The list goes on. :rolleyes: What a gold mine! :lol:

Warren -
warrenlw63 said:
Zwickel said:
...the next stage you may achieve is, everytime you stroll through Supermarkets and/or building centres and everything you see there, you judge if you can use it for brewing beer or not. :)

The stage after that becomes even scarier Zwickel.

I've been known to drool at a hospital or the local Doctor's surgery...

Hmmm... O2 bottles and regulators, big packs of isopropyl wipes, autoclaves, peristaltic pumps. The list goes on. :rolleyes: What a gold mine! :lol:

Warren -

Try working in a lab surrounded by that stuff all day. We even have machines that use corny kegs to store infected waste liquids. Oh the horror! :eek:

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