Hey all, i seem to lose all digital abc channels in the afternoons for a couple of hours. I live in sydney, south west, anyone else have this problem?
Hey all, i seem to lose all digital abc channels in the afternoons for a couple of hours. I live in sydney, south west, anyone else have this problem?
This post has been edited by tonyt: Today, 04:59 PM
Hey all, i seem to lose all digital abc channels in the afternoons for a couple of hours. I live in sydney, south west, anyone else have this problem?
This post has been edited by tonyt: Today, 04:59 PM
Well if it happens at roughly the same time each day, what else happens at that time each day? Got any construction sites nearby with a crane packing up in the afternoon? Timers on powerpoints? What is the constant in all this is the first question. If they work at all other times, and not just the constant then you have a direct signal issue during that specific time. If it can't be overcome with a booster, or allignment then you may have to live with it. Though, i have ongoing issues with ABC & SBS HD channels and bought of the mains powered boosters from dick smith. No troubles since, and i have tried all other possible options (and was well cheaper than installer getting a booster on ballast).
You'll get a lot of useful information from the DTV forum, I think there's a section on reception difficulties per area. Join up and you can post there. That forum is definitely the AussieHomeBrewer of the TV and audio/visual world in Australia. I'm an occasional poster there myself and was quite active when digital came in, flat screen TVs etc but it's all a bit same same nowadays.
In an analogous way to yourself I posted there in the off topic a few years ago "Does anyone brew their own beer? I've been out of it for a while and wouldn't mind getting back in".
Someone recommended AHB and the rest was a slippery slide :lol:
yep same problems here,but with every channel available.
the techies claim they are trying to fix it...**** me this has been going on for damned near a year.
the tv stations must be losing at lot in advertising revenue,i know i wouldnt be happy.......cheers.....spog....
if not you will find that something has happened,
if there was a storm or high winds your antenna might have been blown out of alinement you only need a small degree of movement at your place to have a larger sweep at artarmon (where the transmitters are)
any way you need better signal. you can achieve this by one or all the following
get a bigger antenna. the bigger the antenna the bigger the signal you can receive.
put the antenna higher. the higher you go the better the signal you will get.
use better cable and connectors, the better the cable the less loss of signal you will have.
if you have used better cable and antennas you could try a mastedamp, but it is just a amp so if you put in **** signal you will get a a louder **** signal.
more power is not always better!
if you dont want to do any of that call a local antenna installer and give they will come out and fix it!