Looking For Advice On A Kegging Set-up

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Im looking to get a 4 keg, fridge mounted tap kegging system going in the next few weeks. I've had a while looking around on ebay and at the sponsors sites.
From ebay i found this store (now advertising on AHB so they must make money and have customers here). It all seems reasonably cheap, and not to fancy, which is definitely what im after.
I have tried contacting them via their site a couple of times with no response.

This is the setup i was looking at; any advice, experience or comments are welcome.
1 x Initial setup, inc CO2: http://www.mybeershop.com.au/index.php?mai...products_id=139
1 x 2 additional kegs: http://www.mybeershop.com.au/index.php?mai...;products_id=44
3 x Long shaft taps: http://www.mybeershop.com.au/index.php?mai...;products_id=20
3 x pairs Disconnect: http://www.mybeershop.com.au/index.php?mai...products_id=111
4 x Gas splitters: http://www.mybeershop.com.au/index.php?mai...;products_id=30
1 x one way check valve: http://www.mybeershop.com.au/index.php?mai...products_id=119
Total (with discount) = $540

Obviously i need to get beer/gas line and hose clamps, i was thinking an additional 10m on top of that 3m with the 1st kit.
Have I missed anything?

Also, if anyone could teach me how to do that link in text thing that'd be great ;)
Refer to the first product on the list :)
To my knowledge, that keg kit in the first link does not include a co2 bottle. The quote seems detailed so I was pointing out that the bottle may have been overlooked.

Read the first link - "just add a co2 cylinder".
Yeah the is separate too haha, my bad. I have seen CB's site and im sure its good stuff, but its a bit expensive, im on the tightest budget possible.
Mate I would contact Ross at CB and get a quote off him as well. At least CB will reply.


Defiantly give Ross a call, he'll set you up.
Make sure you get John Guest fittings for everything. Stay away from those fittings that need cobra clamps or hose clamps.
You'll be sorry you got those after losing some skin off your fingers trying to get your hose on the barbs.
I got my reg off MBS, it has built in check valves too so you can save on them.

Yeah the is separate too haha, my bad. I have seen CB's site and im sure its good stuff, but its a bit expensive, im on the tightest budget possible.

Doesn't hurt to get a quote for a large purchase though does it.

To my knowledge, that keg kit in the first link does not include a co2 bottle. The quote seems detailed so I was pointing out that the bottle may have been overlooked.

Read the first link - "just add a co2 cylinder".

My apologies :)
Yeah the is separate too haha, my bad. I have seen CB's site and im sure its good stuff, but its a bit expensive, im on the tightest budget possible.

It's not expensive when you buy the right gear once only. You'll get advice, the right stuff and committed staff backing your purchase up. That's what CB do.

Go to Aldi if you want.
Hi bloke, I would spring for some decent taps, you'll be way better off and not much more$$. Check out the link below, the 425ss are great. This guy is good to deal with, his disconnects/ valves/ tee pieces are all prob cheaper that anyone here. Maybe do an order from him and just get your kegs, bottle and reg here. Also, a manifold with check valves is the way to go, or when you add an empty keg beer shoots up the line from the full one/s towards the empty one and you get your gas lines full of suds. You could disconnect the full ones but is a PITA. If brauman hasn't got them try chicompany. Cheers

In sure if you explain your budget cb will offer a package deal that you won't see on the website. It wouldn't hurt to ask. That said, pretty sure a few people use thebeershop
My advice would be to go perlick's instead of standard taps

100% Stainless Steel, Sanitary Forward Sealing, with or without Creamer


with nice stainless shanks


(I ordered 4" shanks and they were too short, forcing me to butcher the inside of my fridge ;))

(don't forget the tap handles!)

You can get the perlicks + shanks from Farmhouse in the US for about 1/3 the price it would cost you here.

While you're at it, go with cornelius MFL disconnects, they're much higher quality than the standard sort

The MFL screw thread means you can repurpose your disconnects and clean them etc easily without having to remove a barb. It also makes setup a breeze.

Use John Guest Fittings

Which are push-in quick-connect fittings. No need for barbs, hot water, hose clamps, etc


checkvalve : http://www.gryphonbrewing.com.au/store/pro...products_id=238
quick disconnect adapter : http://www.gryphonbrewing.com.au/store/pro...products_id=233
t-joint : http://www.gryphonbrewing.com.au/store/pro...products_id=242
5/8" BSP shank adapter : http://www.gryphonbrewing.com.au/store/pro...products_id=240

Pick up a 4 keg pack from craftbrewer or mybeershop

You might as well get unreconditioned kegs, and condition them yourself, you save money AND you know the job was done right.

Then get a mykegsonlegs or similar customer-owned bottle from your LHBS, no need to throw co2 rental money down the toilet.

Don't forget the regulator ;)

My next regulator will be one which supports upgrading to multiple pressure outputs.

And finally, use Valspar - FlexMaster II Gas/Beerline , ID 5mm / OD 8mm
just purchase a couple of perlicks etc from farmhousebrewing.com myself, great service and only cost $20 more for 2 than the cheapest taps i could find!! great value, you would be crazy to buy them anywhere else..
It's all in Stux's post, great advice. It's a false economy not to get the JG fittings, you'll only end *up getting them in the end.
And definitely get a non-return (check) valve.

You could always get just one tap to start with to save a few coins now, and add the others later on if you're really looking to keep your budget tight. You can just swop the lines over between kegs until you have a tap for each keg. Easy.
mfl disconnects, swivel nuts etc from chicompany also reasonable even with international postage, check valve for under 10 bucks as well.

To be really economic. source light stuff from usa, heavy stuff here.

Get a co2 reg here as the usa thread is different.
+1 for Ross at CraftBrewer.

I admit I've skipped through the posts so this may have been mentioned before:

Get the "MFL" disconnects - they're f*#king awesome.
Get a Celli tap - it's f*#king awesome (my beer line is about 0.5 m long and I can adjust the pour rate for every type of beer I decide to have)
Get a non-return valve
All the gas line fittings should be similar to this as, wait for it, they're f*#king awesome (easy to swap hoses).

You'll pay more but end up paying less in the long run (cause you'll see that stuff at your brewer mates house and want it).

0.0208 cents US :)
I got most of my set up from keg king, they are down in springvale, cheapest by far for the Co2 bottles. Taps and stuff are proberly the cheapest at mybeershop. I have got some stuff through them, was happy. G&G do 3 kegs for $165 from memory. Just got to watch who ya talk to in there though, one of them wont give you the time of day. I havn't got anything from CB but no harm in getting a quote.

Best just to work out what ya need (wish list) and call around to the all.

Hope it goes well

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