Local And State Comps

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im ozzing flab
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I know Ray is organising a nother NAt comp the other comp topicbut what has happend to comps in general, it seems unless your in a brew club, or live in SA there are less and less comps comming up......and yet home/craft brewing is becomming more popular, upto 5-6 years back it was not hard to find a local comp that was being judged to guidlines buy brewers...THe latest comp i found was at a country show , and was judged buy the show committee.....

are we seeing the end of comps?

does anyone want to help organise some comps in Brissy?

You hit the nail on the head with the brew club thing.

Why would you part with hard earned to get the 'opinion' of a committee that drinks at the local and think that its the lurk to throw on a HB comp at their show.

In NSW we've jumped up to form more and more brew clubs(C'mon Trev, HBWorld,Beerslayer,etc wheres the South side brewers??) which will assist in the formation of more brew comps in the form of inter club comps, which will give brewers more confidence to enter major brew comps.

Have you contacted the Babbs? or other brizzy brew clubs??

Have you PMed Ray to see whats involved in organising a State brew comp??

A bit of petrol money and the missus and I will come up and help with the Judging ! :chug:
As far as i know the 2 main clubs is brizzy have there comps for members only, and they are a bit of a travel away from me........but the isea is, why should you have to be in a club to be in a comp.......and why do you have to live in a state to with the prize....

I havent contacted anyone yet about running acomp but i have a list of people in mind, but as will all comps, Judges and Stewards are always hard to find........So i may have to take you up on the offer....
ozbrewer said:
As far as i know the 2 main clubs is brizzy have there comps for members only, and they are a bit of a travel away from me........but the isea is, why should you have to be in a club to be in a comp.......and why do you have to live in a state to with the prize....

I havent contacted anyone yet about running acomp but i have a list of people in mind, but as will all comps, Judges and Stewards are always hard to find........So i may have to take you up on the offer....

As far as I'm aware, the qld state comp is open to anyone - if by some chance it isn't there's no problem joining a club, even if you don't often frequent their meetings. We (Brisbane craft brewers) have internal comps, but they are purely social & judged by everyone in the club. I believe BABBS have more formaly structured comps - Hoops or Colin can fill you in more...
If you're keen to compare your brews against other brewers, it really pays to join a club - we are only talking 1 meeting per month to make the effort for. Otherwise send your bottles off to comps round the country as I did this year - Fantastic getting feedback from experienced judges, & all but one comp I entered, gave cetificates/prizes for winning beers, which are now proudly displayed in my bar :)

cheers Ross
Just about any time Oz.....

and Stewards are easy to find, its the quality Judges that are hard to find.

The Stewards are directed by the convener of the comp and they only have to be able to pour 3 three beers the same way each time, get water and bread...AND LISTEN TO WHAT THE JUDGES HAVE TO SAY to learn what Judging is about...and gees to I have some more listening to do, even though Ive sat the BJCP exam..

Its a shame about the Brizzy club comps being for members only..One would think that by allowing outsiders to join in, it might entice them to join up..maybe someone here is a member of those clubs you mentioned and will clarify the situation for you...
Beerfest will happen as usual in 2006 (Feb 11 and 12). Beer clubs just aren't very good at publicizing their stuff. The info gets around in newsletters such as the November newsletter that can be found online at http://www.melbournebrewers.org/news/Nov05...tterWebsite.pdf

The Victorian calender had 5 of its 6 regulars in 2005 and as far as I know will continue in 2006.

When I was prez of Melbourne Brewers I flogged beerfest quite hard (as regulars will recall). We had a great comp last year and with a $500 prize for best beer, to the best of my knowledge it is the richest non-pro beer comp around. It is a fact of life that many clubs aren't that hooked into the internet scene.

I know there are always issues lining up sponsors for Beerfest and this year is no exception which is delaying getting out the promo material. Putting my club hat on, a lot of work goes into organising a beer comp with over 200 entries. People who have never been involved in that side of things just don't really appreciate it.

I have been told that this year's Beerfest will be BJCP sanctioned although I am no longer on the committee so that is second hand (and it is not listed on the BJCP calendar). Please note due to practical constraints, some categories may be combined (oh yes and we have to find a spot for australian ales).
ozbrewer said:
is the beer fest a club only comp?
Not at all. Although mostly Victorians enter, last year we had postal entries from all over the country.

People converge on Mirboo Nth for the weekend at Grand Ridge brewery - its a hoot. I think a heap of Bathurst guys rocked up in a Kombi one year.
sweet can you post the addy for interstaters to send there beer to?
ozbrewer said:
sweet can you post the addy for interstaters to send there beer to?
Oz - I am waiting on promo material myself. When it gets posted out to brew shops I will post a PDF and mention it.
would be nice to have a thread on here for listing comps open to allcomers...

cheers Ross
sory, i have to post this so i have 501 posts....im no beer god