Llme Vs Dlme

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o.k., i read it correctly now.
well spotted murray.
GSRman said:
jovial: i have absolutely no question that all-grain is better :) i want to head that way.. :)

Do you know if there are any good bulk grain / malt deals going on at the HBS in Kambah?


Colin is the owner of 'brew your own' in kambah.. top bloke.. but i dont think so..
Agreed - he's a nice guy and all that, but I reckon that the Monk, Grain and Grape and Grumpies all give him a run for his money when it comes to buying in bulk ($100+ orders).

I recently did a spreadsheet of grains, malt, hops and yeast from all of the main players and found that there are some substantial price differences as well as a significant variation in what was available at what store. In some cases, HBS were charging 1Kg prices on 500g bags of specialty grains!!! It certainly pays to shop around - even to buy certain products from certain stores!

The only thing in his favour is that I don't have any freight charges - just petrol from my place in Farrer to his HBS! ;)

