Life Expectancy And Alcohol

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I got 83 as well.

I like how they have a numerical input field with no unit indicator beside it...
My age came up as 31, I turn 32 in a few weeks :blink: .

Times your weight in Kg by 2.2 to get pounds and try again. Mine said 29 the first time and I am 30 early next year HAHA.

I wonder how many years not wearing a seat belt takes off? Depends if you are in a crash I guess.

Not going to see 70 I am affraid, a lowly 68 for me. 69 if I cut back a few drinks.
Further to note is that having a DUI charge is bag for your health. Lucky I have never been caught, it could cost me 3 years off my life. :unsure:
I had a Muslim mate that had never had a drop of alcohol in his life.
didn't smoke
didn't eat fatty meats
took his kids for a walk at least 3 times a week.
was fit and healthy.

I drink, I smoke, I do **** all exercise,
I eat whatever's put in front of me, and cant run 100m without needing to catch my breath.

He was hit by a car earlier this year and died on the side of the road in front of his kids and wife, outside of his own house.

Live life, you could be dead before the sun goes down.

Hehe, I put Kilo's in too, comin to my funeral next week :lol:

Edit: speeeling
Times your weight in Kg by 2.2 to get pounds and try again. Mine said 29 the first time and I am 30 early next year HAHA.

Phew, up to 66 :lol:
Its mostly genetics. You can have genes for cancer and heart disease - eating like a rabbit and not smoking/ drinking may extend your life a little. I know a bloke who is in his 40s, very active and eats very well. He is on cholesterol and blood pressure medication. His dad died at 55 from a heart attack. I saw a doco on longevity a while back. They interviewed centenarians and found all lived a normal life, drank alcohol occassionally and one even smoked for most of his life. If your grandparents lived to be very old and both your parents are still alive, good chance you will get old too.
I'm ******! it said 29 years. Oh well, I'll be happy if i can make the worlds best beer or see my daughter marry australias richest man (she is only 8 months old)

EDIT: I must edit this........ I am australias richest man. loving wife, healthy kids................ :)
Shhhh..You don't want people second guessing manufacturers of heart tick approved breakfast cereal and margarine do you?

Very true. Or the multi billion dollar vitamin industry. The only supplement I take is fish oil. My reasoning is that as modern humans evolved over many thousands of years (before farming) they inhabitated coastlines so ate alot of seafood. So us humans were "built" on a diet high in omega 3. Just a little theory of mine.
Its mostly genetics.

Fully agree. Certain genes control the removal of toxins from the body, you have a good set of genes and drinking/smoking/living in the city will hardly affect you, but if you pulled the short straw and have a bad set of genes, just living in areas where there any air pollution can cause problems let alone smoking or drinking. IMO the best way to gauge how long you're going to live is to look at your family tree. In saying that, any of us could get hit by a car and die today... just live your life the way that makes you happiest.
With out a doubt alcohol is a huge killer of young people.
Drink, drive, crash, die.
Drink, walk in front of a car, die.
Drink, get into a fight, punch to the head, die.
Drink, sit on a balcony rail, fall off, die.
Drink, fall off a boat, drown, die.
Drink, jump into a shallow pool, break yr neck, die.
The list goes on....
In my job I have seen it all.
I do drink heavily, but always at home or at a mates house, never in public and NEVER if driving. Keeping the probabilities in my favour.
I was up to 89 before the recreational drugs question... :D
Where was the section for being heavily addicted to drugs of dependence? What's recreational mean?
I thought maybe it was hitting up next to the swimming pool or smoking crack while enjoying games of badminton.
My life expectancy is to actually enjoy it a bit rather than be an old fart for a decade longer.