I was told a story that Lion Nathan own Little Creatures, but when I did some research they apparently own 40%. Whether they have any influence on the product and costings I don't know. From the same source I was told that the beer is trucked from Little Creatures Brewery to a Lion Nathan brewery (possibly Swan) and kegged and bottles. Anyone verify this?
Maybe Lion Nathan are taking thier 40% and replacing it with soda water :lol:
Thanks for the replies. Dirty lines is a possibility, although the Australian is a pretty Craft beer orientated pub.
I ended up at the Harts drinking the Governor Ale - now thats a nice Summer beer
Aha - the second Brewer to come into this thread. It is I, the purveyor of the Gov'ner. (anyone watch the Bill, if so ...). ps. sour scharers ... hmmm ...
I am certain that they are but why does it add a metalic/rusty flavour to this beer only? Everyone keeps telling me this is transport to Melbourne or warehouse storage problems but why only in this beer? Neither Feral's beers nor more local beers that see the same storage don't make me wish for a tetanus shot.They were very fresh and pretty good I thought...much better than the stubbies from Woolies liquor or 1st choice...They're supply chains are *********
Aha - the second Brewer to come into this thread. It is I, the purveyor of the Gov'ner. (anyone watch the Bill, if so ...). Stink loads of Topaz in that beer, a portion at the whirlpool but the majority dry hopped. Am thrilled and amazed at that hop.