Lcpa Lost Its Edge?

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Alex might have just explained why seemingly undamaged bottles both stubbies and pints, and draught, that I've have tasted recently, seemed different to each other in the hop dept.
I was told a story that Lion Nathan own Little Creatures, but when I did some research they apparently own 40%. Whether they have any influence on the product and costings I don't know. From the same source I was told that the beer is trucked from Little Creatures Brewery to a Lion Nathan brewery (possibly Swan) and kegged and bottles. Anyone verify this?
Maybe Lion Nathan are taking thier 40% and replacing it with soda water :lol:

Little Creatures own their own packaging facility up the road - so yes it is trucked offsite, but it is by LC. I believe kegs are still racked at the brewery?

OK, regarding bottling and kegging. We tanker all of the beer from Fremantle to our packaging site (about 5km away) where we bottle and keg everything. Our distributor is BevChain - they distribute beer, wine, etc for a number of customers (Lion Nathan, Diageo, Brown Brothers, and Little Creatures amongst a few others). Their warehouse in Perth is on the Swan Brewery site....

Lion Nathan has always had a shareholding (around 35% I think currently), but in fact we operate completely independent and our original shareholders/founders own the majority.....


We had LCPA as one of the judging beers in the BJCP exam in Adelaide this morning. It was tasting rather good and from memory I gave it a 44.5. :icon_cheers:
Most of the pint bottles I've had recently have been good. The only time it seemed to have lost its edge was when I drank a hopbursted apa of my own next to it but that's just palate fatigue from hops.

I still rate LCPA, particularly the pint bottles.

Don't forget while they're tweaking the beer, your palate is changing too. As always - good to see the brewer actually take an interest in what we think. There's a few on here like that and I think it serves micros well.
I reckon LCPA is better at the moment than it was a year or so ago. Still the benchmark in Australia imo.
I had a gutload of the pint bottles at the Ribs and Rumps, North Ryde last friday and Saturday night whilst in Sydney for the supercars... They were very fresh and pretty good I thought...much better than the stubbies from Woolies liquor or 1st choice...They're supply chains are *********
Not this old chestnut! I don't doubt that there is some variation in LCPA but I reckon there's far more variability between individual palates. Let's not forget that none of these assessments (except perhaps one on this thread) are carried out under controlled conditions. So before you start moaning about how "it's not as good as it used to be" and starting Lion Nathan conspiracies, pause for a moment and think about what you've been eating, drinking and breathing in the last 24 hours before you condemn LCPA based on one glass. Jeebus H Christ. I had about 3 bottles in a restaurant in Albany on Thursday night and as always it was a most excellent beer.
Thanks for the replies. Dirty lines is a possibility, although the Australian is a pretty Craft beer orientated pub.

I ended up at the Harts drinking the Governor Ale - now thats a nice Summer beer

Aha - the second Brewer to come into this thread. It is I, the purveyor of the Gov'ner. (anyone watch the Bill, if so ...). Stink loads of Topaz in that beer, a portion at the whirlpool but the majority dry hopped. Am thrilled and amazed at that hop.

Alex, as a long time supporter and drinker of the LCPA, gotta say the last few years have been lean. Gone is the citrus hop bomb that just bought home the bacon in it simplest and most beautiful fashion.

I'd love a reprise ....


ps. sour scharers ... hmmm ...
Aha - the second Brewer to come into this thread. It is I, the purveyor of the Gov'ner. (anyone watch the Bill, if so ...). ps. sour scharers ... hmmm ...

You should call your next beer "'avin a larf"

and sure LCPA chages a bit from time to time, but thats the tiny bit of excitement in every bottle of craft beer
Suckin on a couple of LCPA at the moment must be a first for me. To me it taste like hop tea, wheres the malt?
It is 5.2%alc but are they mashing at a low temp? I can't seem to find any balance between malt and hops only hops in your face. If this is the benchmark for Australian craft brewers we have a long way to go. I have tasted better Aussie craft beers. I really don't know what the rave is about, you yourself probably brew a better drop.
Last time I waste my $$$$$$$$.
They were very fresh and pretty good I thought...much better than the stubbies from Woolies liquor or 1st choice...They're supply chains are *********
I am certain that they are but why does it add a metalic/rusty flavour to this beer only? Everyone keeps telling me this is transport to Melbourne or warehouse storage problems but why only in this beer? Neither Feral's beers nor more local beers that see the same storage don't make me wish for a tetanus shot.
The rust flavour is here in WA as well. Last visit to the brewery there was mention of the new RO plant to rectify this. Still there to me, every now and then.
I drink from the bottle, so if you're the same, take a damp towel and wipe the neck before partaking.
I actually get the same flavour from the White Rabbit beers as well. Same company, perhaps they bought the same bottling plant ? I suspect that the system isn't setup to flush under the cap as well as it perhaps could be (did I hear this from someone else as well ?) Either that or as part of the filling process there's beer left around the rim before it's capped. That's my theory anyway. I've tested the theory on bottles I've drunk from.
metallic can be a sign of poor storage and age as well IIRC, I get the same taste in guinness cans from the local.
Aha - the second Brewer to come into this thread. It is I, the purveyor of the Gov'ner. (anyone watch the Bill, if so ...). Stink loads of Topaz in that beer, a portion at the whirlpool but the majority dry hopped. Am thrilled and amazed at that hop.

Scotty, are you willing to pass on any more hints for cloning The Gov'ner?
Had a LC on Sat night, gorgeous stuff. The changed hop note was tops, could have had 20.

For the gov, simple light ale with ale and wheat and RB. Topaz in the end and loads in the dry hop.
