Last Minute Yeast Choice

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hi all,

decided at 12pm today to put down a brew as i had the day off. IPA. was going to use nottingham dried yeast, as i thought its the only thing i had, then halfway through the sparge now and realised i have a wyeast in the back of the fridge. 1275.

now a quick check of the wyeast and id dosnt say anything about using it for an IPA. but i dont think nottingham is the correct choice either. i am leaning toward the 1275. anyone care to suggest which would be the better of the 2 choices? i will have to smack it soon as i am just finishing the sparge as i type!


If you mashed high, I'd go Nottingham as it shouldn't then be too dry. An IPA needs a little sweetness in the body IMO.

If you mashed low, I'd go the 1275.
I know which I'd be using......
IPA is a bit rich for my blood (hop wise, so I've not done one), but I use 1275 extensively in Milds, standard and best Bitters and certainly don't see why it couldn't be used in IPA. I luuuuv 1275.
Bearing in mind mash aspects as said above 1275 is an excellent yeast choice for an IPA.
Wyeast 1275 but keep the temps in the 18c-20c range, lower it will stop, higher and you have a Belgian [well not far off it].
I like this yeast in a lot of ales.
thanks guys for the fast input.

i mashed at 66deg
5kg JW ale
1kg munich
550g crystal
250g carared. aiming for 1070

northern brewer/hallertau tradition(i know its german) to 54IBU.

do IPA's have much in late?

i currently have a 15min and 5min addition.

Yes they do.
Here is the AABC / BJCP guideline (excerpt).

I would delay the 5, and do it at 0.

Cheers, good luck:

Aroma: A moderate to moderately high hop aroma of floral, earthy
or fruity nature is typical, although the intensity of hop character is
usually lower than American versions. A slightly grassy dry-hop
aroma is acceptable, but not required. A moderate caramel-like or
toasty malt presence is common. Low to moderate fruitiness,
either from esters or hops, can be present. Some versions may
have a sulfury note, although this character is not mandatory.
Flavour: Hop flavour is medium to high, with a moderate to
assertive hop bitterness. The hop flavour should be similar to the
aroma (floral, earthy, fruity, and/or slightly grassy).
thanks guys for the fast input.

i mashed at 66deg
5kg JW ale
1kg munich
550g crystal
250g carared. aiming for 1070

northern brewer/hallertau tradition(i know its german) to 54IBU.

do IPA's have much in late?

i currently have a 15min and 5min addition.


Nice, it's an IPA right? :lol: Saaz late and call it whatever. :p

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