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Beer Sloth
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lagering the waiting game, im too impatient, iwant to know how it turned out sooner rather than later.
plus i get so thirsty.
my question for all you out there - what is the difference between 1 week of lagering versus 3 weeks or more.
eg. is beer sweeter, do you get a bigger headache next day, off flavours? id like to hear some thoughts on this.
I am also impatient so don't make lager I probably don't leave ale in the bottle long enough either.

To answer your question lagering or storing will not affect sweetness or hangovers etc. all it does is make the beer more drinkable in the hops smooth out and flavours become pleasant.

Suggest you try one bottle after one week see what you think it will probably be a bit 'rough' then if you can put all the others away for at least a month.

BTW lagering is supposed to done at a low temperature ie 4C in a fridge.
I am also impatient so don't make lager I probably don't leave ale in the bottle long enough either.

To answer your question lagering or storing will not affect sweetness or hangovers etc. all it does is make the beer more drinkable in the hops smooth out and flavours become pleasant.

Suggest you try one bottle after one week see what you think it will probably be a bit 'rough' then if you can put all the others away for at least a month.

BTW lagering is supposed to done at a low temperature ie 4C in a fridge.

thanx for feedback, your right i should be doing ales, but i am enjoying my swiss lager brews(briefly lagered) lately.
i guess i need to get a second fermenter running.

i'll throw another question out there -
after filtering(1 micron pleated) would lagering be effective??
i am new to forum and theres quite a few abrievations thrown around.
i worked out LHBS to be local home brew shop - do i have this correct.
theres a few im not sure about eg.
FTW and BIAB. and any others you might like to share please.
BTW - By The Way
BIAB - Brew In A Bag (all grain brewing system)
By The Way
Brew In A Bag - a method of all grain brewing

In my very short experience time in the bottle is very important.
My first full extract brew was a chocolate stout being impatient and thirsty I tried some with mates after about 10 days.
It was muddy water with no chocolate taste at all. After a few more weeks the brew has improved out of site full of chocolate flavour. The beer is much less cloudy and all that have tried it say they would pay for another one at a bar.
however just my experience
Cheers Stu
By The Way
Brew In A Bag - a method of all grain brewing

In my very short experience time in the bottle is very important.
My first full extract brew was a chocolate stout being impatient and thirsty I tried some with mates after about 10 days.
It was muddy water with no chocolate taste at all. After a few more weeks the brew has improved out of site full of chocolate flavour. The beer is much less cloudy and all that have tried it say they would pay for another one at a bar.
however just my experience
Cheers Stu

Wow, that sounds fantastic! Got a recipe?
one of my questions i was hoping someone could help me with,
after filtering with a 1 micron pleated paper filter, would lagering be compromised as most of the yeast would have been removed?
By The Way
Brew In A Bag - a method of all grain brewing

In my very short experience time in the bottle is very important.
My first full extract brew was a chocolate stout being impatient and thirsty I tried some with mates after about 10 days.
It was muddy water with no chocolate taste at all. After a few more weeks the brew has improved out of site full of chocolate flavour. The beer is much less cloudy and all that have tried it say they would pay for another one at a bar.
however just my experience
Cheers Stu

hi stu, i was down your way, well hobart, and thought id do the cascade brewery tour. a great spot good beer.
the tour guide was telling me that their beer is all grain, i questioned her as i beleive most commercial breweries do use sugar.
but she assured me cascade is an all grain beer. how about that. i did notice a locker there which has ammarillo hops and next to it us05 yeast.
one of my questions i was hoping someone could help me with,
after filtering with a 1 micron pleated paper filter, would lagering be compromised as most of the yeast would have been removed?
There is some debate about this. I have heard Charles Bamforth (Brewing Science Guru) suggest that filtering removes the need for lagering. I make lagers a lot but I don't filter. After all fermentation is complete (inc. priming) I crash chill at -1C for three days then up to 4C. I get a very rough yeast character for the 1st 10 days then it starts to soften. After about 6 weeks lagering (8 weeks total in bottles) it's very clear and tasting at it's peak. I use about 18% rice in my grist and Wyeast 2308 @ 10C = soft, malty finish.

I bottle into 330ml stubbies and my bottling/chilling/lagering regime may not be the accepted norm but my beer tastes great and did ok in last years comps.