
With these colder months it's a great time to do a Lager, usually a simple beer but tough one to crack for most people. Pretty much the epitome of a slow and low beer. They ferment a long time and usually at a very cold temp(if you are a purist you have to lager them for a decent period of time as well!)
We are having another comp within the club, so bring along two bottles (one for the night and one to be judged separately). We will also have a commercial Lager there for an example. We will be judging against the BJCP 2008 guidelines so there are a few different Lagers (we are also including Pilsners) to choose from.
PLEASE NOTE - The QABC is also this month as well so it's a great time to really show off your brewing skills and do the same beer for the QABC (We do not accept these entries at the club and entering under the club name is only for fully paid members)
Fees are to be paid at the start of the night and your full name and email address given.
Fees will change quarterly to cater for people who join/come later in the year do not have to pay for time they are not there.
Fee structure is as followed:
Free of charge (1 meeting max)
Casual members
Gold Coin donation (2 meetings max)
Full members
January to March - $50
April to June - $38
July to September - $25
October to December - $13
*NOTE* Fee covers member until the end of that year (December)
Date - 11 September
Same GoldCLUB Place - Burleigh Brewing Company
Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm
GoldCLUB Facebook Page
Facebook Event Link