Kegerator Issues ? Noob Q's Inside

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So, a few of you know that I have just started brewing after being away for many years.
Since my original post I have made a couple of "acceptable" brews that Im happy with so far.
Till now Ive been bottling, you can see where this is going right?
The other day I scored a complete kegerator (fridge, gas and bottle and 2 Cornelius kegs) for $400, this was too good to pass up (so looking forward to not bottling)
Yesterday I set about cleaning the gear and setting it up into its new home.
This morning I decided it was time to sterilize the kegs and flush out the lines etc.
The only problem I'm having (after finding a couple of gas leaks) is a leak I cant seem to fix.
Its where the tap connects to the font/tower (see pic)
Ive pulled everything apart, tightened everything, added teflon tape all to no avail.
The oring seal thing on the internal shaft looks to be OK (I may be wrong)
What could I look at to try fixing this annoying leak.
PS, the other tap is fine.
Teflon tape is now gone, and please ignore the "other hobby bottles"
There should be a rubber washer inside the tap, take the non-leaking one off and compare the two. Look into the tap from the back. It's common for them to fall out during cleaning.

They both look the same to me.
Ill take them to the LHBS in the morning and see what they say.
Just as a thought. I know with my taps I have to push them in as they are spring loaded as I tighten the outer ring otherwise they won't tighten enough. Also mine have little notches I can feel if I turn the tap sideways a few mm I can feel it seat I between two notches. I have tightened it before and not seated it properly=sticky stuff dripping.
Cheers chris
Also mine have little notches I can feel if I turn the tap sideways a few mm I can feel it seat I between two notches. I have tightened it before and not seated it properly=sticky stuff dripping.
Cheers chris
Thanks Chris,
This fixed the problem (must remember the notch next time), now the next problem, do I force carb or slow carb.
Hmm, force me thinks.
Thanks guys.
Thanks Chris,
This fixed the problem (must remember the notch next time), now the next problem, do I force carb or slow carb.
Hmm, force me thinks.
Thanks guys.

remember the next issue is to search for overvcarbed beer, or lots of head but flat, balancing :)
All depends how fast you need to be able to drink it. I have a steady supply now so just set and forget. Before though I was always upping the pressure to hurry it along as I was out of beer.
I was hoping to be drinking out of the kegs by boxing day but it looks like its going to be bottles.
Im going to replace all the beer lines.
I figured I would make up a batch of soda stream cola in one of the kegs just to test everything and it tastes real horrid, almost ashtrayish.
I cleaned everything and sterilized so the only thing I can think of is the plastic lines are cactus.
I pour a kettle of water into keg and seal, shake ***** out of it, hook up beer line and drain through tap. 2 litres of boiling water keeps mine nice and clean but yeah if you have old ganky lines might be the problem. I made a cola once, you get them from big dub or Kmart was awesome. When are you getting beer lines. If your getting it tomorrow, No reason ya can't hook it up to gas for a few days at a higher pressure or force carb via 'Ross's method' I think it's called if you google it and leave it in the fridge till you get the lines. Not going to drink them for two weeks in a bottle anyway so it can sit in a keg that long till your ready.
I pour a kettle of water into keg and seal, shake ***** out of it, hook up beer line and drain through tap.
I did all this before I started doing anything else, dont forget I bought this second hand, it was filthy and smelled bad even the kegs looked like they had been used as ash trays.

I have bottles that are ready to drink.
I now have the new lines but wont be able to install till later today :(
Good news is, the cola actually tastes better now that its got some carbonation :)
Bad news is, I must still have a small CO2 leak somewhere as the gas bottle was empty this morning :(
Luckily this used rig came with a mykegonlegs bottle and my LHBS is a swap and go agent, so Ive now got a full tank to see where this leak is.
Bugger to put it politely. It can be hard finding a leak. Took me ages untill I realised it wasn't my system it was actually leaking from around the bottle neck. Big spray bottle of soapy water and a couple towels you'll find it. Best of luck.
OK, little update :)
Turns out the regulator was the bad part of the system, I should have known as it had paint on it and looked like it had a bad/hard life.
So I replaced the regulator, sanitized everything and filled my first keg with beer (a corona clone)
My LHBS guy said crank the pressure to 300kpa and leave for 24 hours then serve at 50 - 70kpa so that's what I did going by the big red numbers on the dial.
I have just pulled my first beer YAY, nice head at first but that dissipated real quick and the beer was flat before I finished my first pint.
I "think" I have found my problem, the big red numbers are PSI not kpa.
Since my LHBS is closed today my question to the great minds here is:
What can I do to fix this?????? I suppose its better than being over carb'd
Yes I realize this is a trial and error thing and Im almost there but its just so damn frustrating, I missed my Xmas deadline and am looking now for a new years eve deadline.
Scroll back up to what mxd said and do some research. You may have overcarbed or it may just need some more time I'm not sure. I was trying to crank pressure up to 30 odd psi for a couple days then let it sit at pouring pressure but was hit and miss so now I just leave it at pouring pressure for a few weeks and it's perfect. I think in the article section there is one about balancing a draught system. Read up and see how ya go
Scroll back up to what mxd said and do some research. You may have overcarbed or it may just need some more time I'm not sure. I was trying to crank pressure up to 30 odd psi for a couple days then let it sit at pouring pressure but was hit and miss so now I just leave it at pouring pressure for a few weeks and it's perfect. I think in the article section there is one about balancing a draught system. Read up and see how ya go

I think reading is half the problem, Ive read that much its becoming a blur :)
Ill just soldier on.
Oh its definitely under carb'd
My LHBS guy said crank the pressure to 300kpa and leave for 24 hours then serve at 50 - 70kpa so that's what I did going by the big red numbers on the dial.
I have just pulled my first beer YAY, nice head at first but that dissipated real quick and the beer was flat before I finished my first pint.
I "think" I have found my problem, the big red numbers are PSI not kpa.

KPA to PSI converter (top hit on Google)

300kpa = 46psi, according to that site. 60kpa = around 9psi. I serve at 12psi, but your serving pressure is dependent on the amount of resistance in your system... such as length and diameter of line, height of font, temperature of beer, etc. Not to mention your preferred carbonation level...

Just search for "keg balancing" and you should be able to work out what your serving pressure should be.
if you force carbed at 300psi... you have an OUTRAGEOUSLY powerful regulator (mine only goes to 80psi), and you have over carbonated your brew - which would result in a big fluffy head, and no actual carbonation in the beer.
if you force carbed at 300psi... you have an OUTRAGEOUSLY powerful regulator (mine only goes to 80psi), and you have over carbonated your brew - which would result in a big fluffy head, and no actual carbonation in the beer.

It was 30psi, me thinking its like the taco in the car.
It was 30psi, me thinking its like the taco in the car.

All's been fixed.
Another 24 hours at 30psi (drop to 10psi for serving) and she's been pumping out some yummies and new years was a hit.
Thanks for all the help.

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