keg hop to help out an aussie ale (bittered with POR)

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Hi All,

In an attempt to make a beer to please my bogan mates I ended up making a beer that I think will displease everyone!

I was going for a bitter pale ale with some malty sweetness - 23L batch, BIAB:

pilsner - 3.7kg
munich - 1kg
caramunich - .3 kg
wheat - .5kg

POR 50g @ 30
POR 10g @ 20
Yeast - 1272, nochill

Fermented at 17c for a week, raised temp to 20 over 3 days then CC'd for 3 days and kegged.

TBH, don't know why I put in so much wheat (for head retention) but I did.

There's a nice sweet malty smell to it but there's this blunt, upfront taste that I can't describe that I'd like to errr..tone down. I can't detect any off flavours ( but I'm wondering if it's a combo of the wheat and POR that are the cause. I haven't come across this flavour before, but I've never done this DIY recipe before.

I dropped an IPA on top of the yeast cake and it's tasting fantastic, so I think the yeast is OK.

2 questions:
- any problems with the grain bill ?
- ideas on what to keg hop with, I've got centennial, chinook, colombus, mosaic and EKG.

How old was the POR?

Pride of Ringwood is terrible if it is getting a bit old.

All of the other hops you listed will not make your bogan beer "more bogan" :)

If it was mine I would add Mosaic.

Good luck with it.
you could be right Dicko, it's 2014 POR and was vac (re)vac sealed but I did sub in POR for another new recipe (a red ale) that also turned out pretty ordinary but I couldn't decide if it was the grain bill or the hop.

might keg hop 30g of Mosaic and pray to the beer gods. dry hopped 25g of centennial and 20g of mosaic in my IPA and it's tasting great!
Sounds a bit obvious, but is there a chance you don't like PoR? If you're throwing it in late in the boil then you'll get it in spades. It's a much maligned hop, you tend to love it or hate it.
A single 50 or 60 min addition will come through enough to know it's there. Hard to please 'bogan mates' with MORE hops, gotta back off the flavour man.
Thanks guys, I'm a huge fan of coopers sparkling ale so was aiming for a similar IBU so I thought it would be OK. But the shorter boil and 2nd addition was probably a bad idea and pushed it over the edge.

So I think you're right, POR at the front of a beer is probably not for me.

As the event has now passed, my bogan mates have left in a cloud of tire smoke and I'm now stuck with 20L of beer and I've gotta figure out a way to gettin it down!

Keg hop to the rescue!
I keg hopped an IPA with Galaxy Flowers for 2 weeks. On the weekend (my Wife's 40th) the IPA disappeared in a cloud of rave reviews, but I'm also left with a rather boring Pale Ale (3/4 full keg).

I have not yet opened either keg so they are still at pressure, what are the thoughts on transferring the Pale into the IPA Keg with the Galaxy hops (in a pantyhose hops stock cable tied to the dip tube) I can't think of any reason not two.

I was just going to connect the OUT of the Pale to the IN of the IPA Keg and use gravity to transfer (opening the pressure release valves as required)

thanks Clayton