Keg Fill Left Overs

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I have some 20L and some 18L kegs. Larger batches go into the larger kegs and small ones into the small kegs. If there are any leftovers, I generally pour them into a pint glass and drink it au naturale.
I have some 20L and some 18L kegs. Larger batches go into the larger kegs and small ones into the small kegs. If there are any leftovers, I generally pour them into a pint glass and drink it au naturale.

I like your thinking PM :p
I aim for 21 Ltrs into primary, giving me 19Ltrs into the keg, (some lost to trub, the rest to hydrometer "samples" ;) )
By how much do people expect their efficency to drop when they do smaller batches?
I should bottle the leftovers but I am a lazy bastard, so the dregs just sit there for the few days it takes me to get my arse into gear and clean the fermenter.

I do, however like the idea of a "bit of everything" keg. Wish I'd read this post yesterday :( Just kegged a brew out last night and wasted about 4 litres.

aaah well. next time.

Damn sacrilege-go stand in the corner! :eek:
Last time I brewed I made a 27L batch of APA and a 27L batch of Weizen

I filled 2 x 18 L kegs and mixed the rest into another keg

The result was really really good

So much so that last night a mate came over and tried it, he liked it so much that I couldn't convince him to try the other kegs

27L batches is probably the limit for my fermenters

I tried the 'BITZA KEG' for a couple of years and YES some great results. These days i only make enough to fill the kegs without leftovers-it's easier and simple.
Cheers 15BL :chug:
So what's the verdict on the taste difference thirsty boy? (at the risk of a thread hijack)

I do the same and do notice some differences. Probably mainly because the bottles are stored at room temp, while the keg stays cool. I had some bottles of APA last night since the keg of the same beer was empty. Seemed like the hops stood up better over time in the bottle, but it also had a more yeasty, dusty taste that the kegged version didn't.

Haven't really come up with a theme yet. There's usually a subtle difference. I actually find that in general the beers I bottle are clearer than the beers I keg. Maybe because I have to do less moving them about.

Anyway, just bought a filter so they'll all be clear as soon as I work out how to use the damn thing.

I now have a mongrel keg....thanks for the idea. Its currently 3/4 full. Just waiting on the Kent Old Brown. Its got a wheat, pilsener, APA, Ale in it at the moment....yeasts: T58, S189, Nottingham. :blink: Cant wait!
I now have a mongrel keg....thanks for the idea. Its currently 3/4 full. Just waiting on the Kent Old Brown. Its got a wheat, pilsener, APA, Ale in it at the moment....yeasts: T58, S189, Nottingham. :blink: Cant wait!

holy crap.....i think ive just made a coopers sparkling ale! Its bloody better than the real thing :lol: Very happy with my mongrel. Great idea!
I use both 18L cornies and Tapadraft system which the combination of both is perfect for 23L batches.
The tapadraft is perfect for carrying around and fitting in the fridge.


ok while i was filling my keg earlier i realised i hadnt got any bottles ready for the leftover few litres.
So out came another keg that was missing about 5 litres from me sampling when drunk, and was aging at the back of the fridge, and in went some doppelbock (5litres). This beer is suburb to drink 7.3% 50/50 vienna and pilsner(15 lires) mixed with 7.3% doppelbock (4litres).

im going to keep a bastard keg from now on,especially now i have the extra room.

cheers kingy
im on holidays from work and the missus is in newcastle so im gunna give it a good nudge tonight :D
I recently made it my mission to get all the different coloured kegs (now I have black, blue, green, red, and orange - i think yellow is the only one left?) plus old mates cheapo keg deal saw me loaded up with more kegs than I need. Needless to say I have now started my mongrel. Has about 3L of an interesting ale in it (SFPA done with T58 and finished with US05). soon to have 3L of a LCPA clone. And looking at my next planned brews, 3L of a dunkelweizen, and 3L of a robust porter. Should be interesting :)
What to do with the left over beer?

Me and my crew have solved the issue, its simple. Get a bigger Keg.

No left over beer.

Works well so far...
I am so ashamed, I have been throwing it out, 2-3 liters per brew when using the two cornies I have, just because I cannot stand the thought of bottling, I would go back to commercial swill before I bottle again.

I have 4 X 50 lt kegs, for which I do a 52 liter brew, so I loose about 1 lt when I rack, and another when I put into keg, + a little for the hydromoter, Oh who am I kidding, I havnt used a hydrometer sinse I started kegging, 7 days in primary, 10-14 days in secondary, then keg it, toss in 7 grams of the yeast used in the brew along with 400 grams of Dextrose for a 50 lt brew, seal it up and sit it in the corner for a month.

Perfect beer, every time.

the idea of a bitsa Keg sounds good, I may set aside one cornie for that porpose.

Great Idea.
When I first saw this thread I started a mongrel keg. Just finished filling it last night, yet to taste it though.


Written on the keg is:
Skunk Fart Pale Ale
LCPA clone
Robust Porter I
Dunkelweizen I
Imperial RyePA
Saison of the Season
English ale (left over from the case swap)

It's pretty equal parts of all of them, so about 2L each I guess. Should be interesting when I crack it :p

Whats your most mongrel keg?
Boy, I would've never thought of doing a mongrel keg :wacko: . Interesting idea.

What you guys should do is enter your mongrel brews to a comp where you know BJCP judges are on hand, just to mess with 'em.
Enter it as a 16E Belgian Specialty Ale.

(from the BJCP style guidelines):
Aroma: Variable
Appearance: Variable
Flavor: Variable
Overall Impression: Variable


But seriously, I sanitise a 5L glass demijon (and bung) along with the keg. Once I reach the weld mark in the corny, I just pull my racking cane over and drop the remaining beer into the demijon. It's bunged up and stored in the kegging fridge.. After I've made a dent in the initial 19L, I depressurize and gently pour the remaining beer on top and, with the keg left at serving pressure, it takes care of itself in terms of carbonation.

Yeah, stuff bottling.


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