Just Broke My Hydrometer...

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I have broken 2. My youngest son has broken 1 - better to just let him play with hammer or something he can't brake so easily next time...
my first coopers box came with a broken hydrometer, the nice LHBS guy gave me a new one for half price (i didn't buy the original kit from there) that one lasted quite a few months untill i steped on it, and my latest one while having not broken in all this time has gotten the arse as it's .010 out and explanes all my low efficiancy problems over the last few months

First brew, first reading, bottom dropped out of the test tube. :angry:

That bottom cap is taped on reeeeeal good now!
Also worth noting is that if you take a refractometer reading and a hydrometer reading you can use a formula to work backwards to OG in case you forgot to take one or think an earlier reading may be out

Promash has a calculator for it and there are a couple on line


Edit : Bad Engrish
Cortez, nice info indeed...may just have to get myself one of these refractometers. Of course, I could just get another hydrometer and to hell with the latest batch's stats :D
Brewing since 1992. Hydrometers broken = 0 (I use them all the time, too). Refractometers broken... well, thats another issue :eek:
Also worth noting is that if you take a refractometer reading and a hydrometer reading you can use a formula to work backwards to OG in case you forgot to take one or think an earlier reading may be out

Promash has a calculator for it and there are a couple on line


Edit : Bad Engrish
useful stuff, I'd never even thought to do that. perhaps I wont bother taking OG readings at the start anymore :p
and refractometers are available from myself, and at least a couple of the other retailers/sponsors, although I haven't seen one in any LHBS.
Not so expensive that they break the bank anymore, so they are a very worthwhile investment. :) (as long as you don't break it.....)
I'm on my 3rd. I think I sat on my first one. Can't really remember. The 2nd, I put in a "safe" place. So safe, that I couldn't find it, so I had to buy another. I have since moved, and now I have 2. Though, I never seem to know where they both are at the same time.

I'm going to get a refractometer eventually. Possibly just because I like gadgets, but I think they are easier for checking gravities during a brew.
I really want to use one this weekend as I've had a toucan oats stout brew in since the monday of the long weekend (may 7th) and normally I'd just bottle after this amount of time but gut feeling says another week...

How's it taste InCider? If it's too sweet, leave it in. If not... you can probably bottle now. An extra week shouldn't hurt it either way.
I really want to use one this weekend as I've had a toucan oats stout brew in since the monday of the long weekend (may 7th) and normally I'd just bottle after this amount of time but gut feeling says another week...

Go with the gut feeling better than bottle bombs.

I have been brewing for 8 years and never broken a hydrometer.
Little hard to break if you don't use them.
Currently have three in the brew cupboard.
2 of them have never been used. :unsure:

Incider feel free to come down for a beer and collect 1 if you wish.
Might not be worth the travel time.

Thanks Frogman and Bonj,

I'll go the gut, but will take a taste as well.

Thanks for the offer frogman - one day I'd love to drop by to see the amphibilounge!

Off to test the taste...

Go with the gut feeling better than bottle bombs.

Incider feel free to come down for a beer and collect 1 if you wish.
Might not be worth the travel time.

Hey Bonj & Frogan,

It's still blurping! Glad I took your advice - 13 days on the ferment is a record for me.... and it's fermenting about 20deg...

Getting a hydrometer is a good idea, but waiting is just as good...

I wish I had a fourth fermenter so I could keep brewing!


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