Just A 'hi', And First Coopers Brew Going!

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First I wanted to say hi, I'm new to the forum and home brewing. I made one batch in the States a couple of years ago, before moving to Australia, but never 'got into it' I followed the directions and that was about it. Now that I'm here I've gotten a Coopers home brew kit and I'm already looking towards getting better equipment and kegging my brew. I started the kit last night, we'll see how it turns out in a few days.

The OG seemed a little low about 1038... any ideas why? I put everything in like the directions said...

First I wanted to say hi, I'm new to the forum and home brewing. I made one batch in the States a couple of years ago, before moving to Australia, but never 'got into it' I followed the directions and that was about it. Now that I'm here I've gotten a Coopers home brew kit and I'm already looking towards getting better equipment and kegging my brew. I started the kit last night, we'll see how it turns out in a few days.

The OG seemed a little low about 1038... any ideas why? I put everything in like the directions said...


Hi Tex

Welcome to the site. Where are you located?

What temp did you read the 1038 at? My Coopers kits are usually around the 1040 mark so don't worry too much.

Welcome Texican, youi will find heaps of useful info at this site with lots of people willing to help you.

you will need to tell us the ingredients for us to be able to tell you why the OG is low.

first tip for you, try and ferment the beer at about 18 to 20 degrees and throw away the kit instructions.
second, if the airlock isnt bubbling dont worry(not reliable), look for krausen for signs that fermentation has started.

cheers coz
Hi welcome to the dark arts. Did you take the hydro sample from the top of the brew or from the tap? There may still be 'thicker' stuff at the bottom of the fermenter and 'thinner' stuff at the top, initially. Or you could check your hydrometer against plain cool water to make sure it's sitting on 1000. If it's off you may be up for a replacement (I expect even Woolworths or Kmart would give you one out of their range)

I think Coopers say their kits plus a kilo of sugar start at around 1046 which will give you a beer around VB Alc/vol.