It's Time.... First Ag

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I'll give it seven days and see what happens. I'm not confident. That medicinal smell that Ross is speaking about sounds a little familiar.



I'll give it seven days and see what happens. I'm not confident. That medicinal smell that Ross is speaking about sounds a little familiar.


Never throw it out until it is undrinkable after fermentation, and after a week or two of cold conditioning.

My latest amber ale had some odd flavours poking out at the end of fermentation. Not an infection but completely unbalanced and well shithouse! After a week of cold conditioning it has mellowed out and is tasting pretty good. To think I nearly turfed it after 2 weeks of fermentation....

Have you fermented a beer with a gravity as high as this one before? May have something to do with the flavours your getting?

Just give it time. Wait until it is older and in your glass.
Thanks Jazza, I'm feeling a little more hopeful now.

I gues it's an excuse to make sure I put another one down quick just in case this one doesn't work out. ;)

hupnupnee said:
Thanks Jazza, I'm feeling a little more hopeful now.

I gues it's an excuse to make sure I put another one down quick just in case this one doesn't work out. ;)


Gday hupnupnee, hows your brew going ? Ive been following this thread from the start as im a kit/extract brewer...looking to step up to partials. Then maybe one day mash my own.

Is your brew ok. Would love to know how its going. :unsure:
Tonight is a special night.

I have just cracked the top on my first AG an English Ale....

Struth this is a revelation....

I had no idea I could brew a beer like this.....

I have done a few extract brews and they were OK but they were a bit cloying and always had a particular taste that I couldn't get rid of. This beer on the other hand has none of the "home brew taste". It is delighfully malty without being over the top and the hops Fresh from Ross are evident but not overwhelming. I can't get over the freshness the beer seems to have to it. I'm not really sure how to describe it.

I wish I had never done this...I can feel an obsesion coming on, oops too late.

Thanks to everyone that nursed me through my infection anxiety and to those of you that I have read over the past months that I have been quietly taking it all in. This is truely an awsome brainstrust, knowledgeable, friendly and above all passionate.

Pistol Patch this is what awaits you mate. Shear bloody wonderful beer that you made yourself, from scratch.

To those that are hesitating to take the AG plunge, do it, you will not regret it. It is soooo much better than the kits or the extracts. I didn't understand how good it can get. And to think this is just the beginging.

I want another but I dare not ... I may drink them all.

Damn it one more can't hurt, could it ?


Great work hupnupnee - you realise it's a slippery slope now, as the obsession takes over - don't bother fight it, just get brewing :D ...
Yeah, it's definitely a trap this AG brewing. I only completed my first AG in Jan and am now up to No 14. Early on I was alternating K & K with AG. Now its just AG.

And, I still get to brew it all in the kitchen! (Last part said in whispered tones so SWMBO can't hear!)

No 15 will be brewed on Sunday. Heh heh heeeeeee...

One more won't hurt Tim! Somehow I missed this thread but just read through the lot. Good on ya mate!

Ross came down and filtered mine so we drank it ten days after pitching the yeast and, like you, I was dumbfounded by the taste. Bloody beautiful.

Apart from being able to have an excellent beer in 10 days, I'm wrapped that I'm now confident that I can brew a great beer. You did well doing your first on your own. Did you find the process pretty easy? By reading your post I think you're feeling the same confidence as well.

I'm going to crack a Schwarzbier for you right now Tim.

Great news and all the best,

(I ordered enough grain for 2 brews tomorrow but my 70lt pot didn't arrive so I am going to have the mother of all brew days tomorrow - still haven't worked out if it's even possible! Hope so otherwise I'll be up all Monday night, assuming the pot arrives :eek: )
Great to hear you guys are enjoying your AG brews.Very daunting at first but will not be long and you will feel like old hands at it.The variety of style and experimentation with varying amounts of malts,hops and yeasts will keep you going for years searching for the beer that is just right for you.I still havent found it but am enjoying the journey of different global beer styles right here at home.

LG- life good

Big D
I still remember the first sip of my first AG beer.

Been trying to replicate it ever since... :p
Pistol Patch, Hupnupnee :)

Good onya boys.
Its great to see that the LEAP to AG has been successful for you both ,and your extolling the virtues of AG.It really is the Quantum leap that you've been seeking isnt it?.

Onward and upward my friends,onward and upward.

Dave :beer:
always had a particular taste that I couldn't get rid of.
Begone foul extract!
Nice work :)
Welcome to flavour (& mouthfeel) country.

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