Is this infection

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Does this look like infection and is it still safe to drink. Tastes pretty good from the Fermenter. Happened after dry hopping or is it from the dry hopping. Pride of ringwood hop

looks like an infection I've gotten before, if you stir it a little does it break up like thin ice?
Yeah....thats not good. May taste fine now, but it will take hold
It came from that hop tea bag thing floating in there.
This looks like the only infection I've had since starting AG. It looked flakey. I had it in a mild and a saison I think. I kegged and drank them quickly but from memory they developed a dry, slight sour taste towards the end.

If it tastes good then get stuck in.
If you're kegging, get it kegged asap. if you're bottling, it's hit and miss. Looks infected but hard to tell how bad it will get. Could be perfectly fine, could be terrible.
mrsupraboy said:
So are you saying the tee bag was dirty. It came out of a sealed packet.

But the tea bag floats on the surface, the damp bag is an invitation for infection. Try some fresh hops and just chuck them in your brew.

I hope it turns out OK for you.

I saw this why I was kegging. So do I need to weigh the tee bag down. And are you guys saying that there is a chance the brew will be fine but also a chance that it might develop a sour taste.

Is infection that bad or just changes the taste a bit
When I looked at the pic, I didnt look at the bag, just that "oh ffs" infection film developing...
It can't kill you or anything might just taste like ****, i have had a few brews that i have suspected infections and then bottled anyway and they have turned out fine although i have never seen what you have in the picture there. I say keg it and see how it goes
mrsupraboy said:
Is infection that bad or just changes the taste a bit
Well......I have had mild infections in Porters & Stouts that I actually liked. But those beers could handle the extra sourness.
Forget about teabags of hops. It's a very expensive way to buy hops of unknown quality.

Better to order your hops from the site sponsors in 90 gr lots (or more). Much more economical. Just weigh out the quantity you need, reseal the pack, and store the rest in the freezer for next time.