Is Showering With Your Brewery Going Too Far?

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You know i've considered similar ideas before

jgriffin Hearing this in my current state of ongoing bewilderedness is great. Looks like I'm not a total loony flirting with ideas of no value. Thank God for that!

Reading, *burp*, in your post about the Brewhouse cracked me up. Wish I could have been there to meet you. I hope Ross did as I instructed him and told you I was actually normal in real life! I hope he didn't get pissed and forgot!

Can I steal your burp from time to time? I was going to say I'd give you credit for it but when I use it, I probably won't remember anyway!

Poppa! Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for your info which, whilst quite frightening, was very informative. When's the next B&S down your way? Should we go?
i heard POL is actually a US military supercomputer hooked up to the net ;)
Now Tangent, after your post, we have to get Pint to move the thread to humour and jokes. Another great laugh! Cheers mate!

Pint is a machine of advice and has certainly helped me heaps.
I still don't actually get what this thread is about.
My Last Long Post for a Little While!

I thought this thread would have died out after Pint was able to show why the idea wouldn't work. The question of the thread essentially boiled down to, "Can you maintain large volumes of no-rinse steriliser for long periods of time." Simple answer is no. I honestly thought the original idea was of value and am sorry for wasting some people's time.

deebee Sorry mate! I should have chosen a more appropriate topic title for a start. That's enough to confuse anyone in hindsight! As anyone would be aware who has read some of my posts over the last 2 weeks/months(!) or so, I'm not functioning at my usual capacity at present so am writing pretty badly and way too much. In my current state, I still think that I got Post#1 correct though it was way too long. Whoops!

Post Modern Have tried to acknowedge everyone's contributions here. I just thought it was polite to do so but maybe this is not the right thing to do on a forum? I don't know. I am unable to respond to your post immediately above as I think you are probably cracking a joke which in my current frame of mind I am thinking is at my expense. Usually I don't mind this. At the moment though my usual humour is lacking somewhat.

My apologies to all here for my poorer quality posts. I'm new here and have (at this current moment, let's change that to, 'had,') an enthusiasm which must be laughable, if not annoying to some more experienced users. It sometimes even embarrasses me! All I can hope is that so far I have been of more interest than annoyance.

I have never had a bad or critical PM as yet only helpful ones or others saying thankyou for one of my better posts. What I'm going to do is quieten down a lot now on open forum. I'll spend my time writing to unwind in PM's and emails to the great AHBer's I have met so far. Obviously this is a far more appropriate place than here. Just wish someone had taken the time to point this out to me in a PM earlier on. Sometimes I am slow at picking things up. I have never forummed anywhere before.

I have also just thought of an idea that may be of value for people in my position (or of similiar nature!) but I will run this past some other newbies whose opinion I trust before posting it on open forum.

If anyone does have constructive criticism to offer me, please feel free to PM me. I would prefer such criticism there than in open forum.

And Post! If you were joking, please explain it here! You know me well enough by now to realise that I enjoy a laugh and, to an extent, do not mind embarrassing myself! Thanks also for your help in other areas thus far.

Finally, Boozy! I finally got your joke! I saw a post of mine that was bewilderingly bolded, italicised etc. etc! Good on ya mate!
Threads generally follow a path. It is not bad nettiquette to ignore off-topic or glib remarks. Answering every post makes the reading of a thread labourious. At least, that is my experience.

Your posts are certainly colourful, I'll give you that.

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