Is it farked...

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Wheat beer.

Three weeks in

14 days at 18.
7 at crash chill around zero.

Tastes ok.
Fg is 1.005

About 5 points lower than it should be.

Keg it or tip it?
Looks like you have a nice pellicle there, whats it taste like
Smell it, taste it, spit - tip it
Clean and sterilise the bejesus out of everything, next time pitch enough yeast to make sure it ferments out in less than 7 days, its a wheat, don't crash chill just package when it hits FG.
Impressive pellicle there mate my guess is she's snail food. What's it taste like out of interest
Tastes the same as the first lot from same batch.
Maybe a bit thinner.
No sign of any funky, sour or weird tastes.

This was no chilled and second cube didn't quite fill to the brim. So maybe infection took hold at cube stage...

But there was no sign of swelling or even gas build up in the cube, so I assumed it was fine.
Do you like vinegar?

Either way, looks aerobic, so you might be able to bottle/keg the lower 1/2 to 2/3rds. Maybe.

I bottled an Amber last year that got an infection that looked the same. Most of the bottles showed the tiniest sign of the bug carrying over onto the liquid surface, but the growth was halted by the lack of O2 i guess. Anyway, they got drunk - tasted ~OK, just not great So it depends on whether you can be bothered & want to save the cash invested, or just toss it.
TBH, for a simple wheat, i'd just toss it & start again.
If you're bottling I'd be wary that the fermenting hasn't finished. Could have a bomb risk on your hands. Likewise, if you keg you might infect the keg and regret the decision. Unless you're handy with your nuking practices which you would want be be with that fermenter.
I'm trying to brew an unhoped wheat malt cider Vinegar at the moment. Infecting it as much as I can with Vinegar mother slush and its taken me a month with added aeration to get a result like that!

Whats the secret?
You could leave it for 3 years, and hope for a great lambic.
Could be aged into a good sour or drunk fresh but as a regular, yum, forget about me beer, it has the wrong haircut.

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