Sorry to play Devil's Advocate, but the musings of a brewer with kids aren't really evidence that involving them in 'demystifying' alcohol means anything whatsoever about their future lives.
I've got kids, I don't 'mystify' alcohol, brewing isn't a secret, neither is beer. But I don't drink around my kids, that seems like a more important issue to me than 'demystifying' alcohol, whatever that means exactly.
I can see it is a plus to involve your kids in your life as much as you can, them helping you brewing is just one way of doing that but the relationship between parents, alcohol and kids is a complex one imvho, and that from a kid that spent many a childhood year playing in the pub garden with all the other kids to closing time most weekend nights, and irregular summer weekday nights.
Is drinking around children a good thing? Inherently always a bad thing? I don't know, just saying is all.
If anything I would think that how you behave with alcohol is far more important in what you teach your kids, preach one thing and do another, that's 'mystifying'.