Insane Fizzy Cordial Beers

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See the latest BYO mag has a recipe using Mountain Dew. Will give it a read tomorrow to find out the details.

Got any more info on this one Doc?

The Passiona wit was bottled on the weekend, looking for something else to play with. :)
Otherwise it's a Coopers Pale w/extra hops for me, especially as it seems my proposed pickle bucket/mash tun conversion is going to be impossible. Even I'm not interested in a beer that stinks of gherkins- though the Pyssedas crew probably wouldn't shy away.

Weizguy, Phantom, where are we on the radler? :huh:
Am interested to hear how the Passiona wit comes out... Keep us updated :D
Backlane Brewery said:
Got any more info on this one Doc?

Yeah I read the article. From memory (I don't have the mag with me today) they used a couple of litres of Mountain Dew in the brew. Like you guys they let it de-gass before adding to primary. Apparently it doesn't inhibit fermentation.
I'll digout the mag tonight (unless someone else has the latest BYO handy) and report back.

OK, I made the Coke porter and am sadly not impressed (so far, anyway). It takes like beer up front (and Coopers dark is anice beer), and then the aftertaste is like flat stale Coke. I've tried drinking it real cold, and real fast and still it disappoints me.
Sounds like the Passionate Sarcasm is quite nice, and it's next on my list. I've already flattened the fizzy drink and I have a bonus-sized 2.25 litre bottle of it. A bit hard to find the Cascade kits where I live, but maybe today where I work I'll have some success. Might even make my ag Wit this weekend as well. Simultaneous brewing baby, yeah!

Backlane (maaaaate!), the Mountain Dew beer has about 8 litres of the soft drink in it, and that's a lot of caffeine! Not to mention the cost of the fizzy... Would U like me to post the recipe. Doc is prob busy, or is still away from home w Super12, and while I have time this evening... It's not on their website yet, but I have the issue at home.

How about I get back to you on the Radler. I'll have a think and maybe try it this weekend. I was initially thinking of a light lager kit (prob Goldrush polar beer?), any old lager yeast that I have in stock (maybe Yeastlab Pilsner), cold ferment and carbonate by bulk priming with 2 litres of a lemon-lime (or lime only) flat soft drink. Suggestions welcome.

BTW, I have a Fullers London pride clone fermenting in the fridge ATM. Anyone else made one?

Seth (back to work now)
OK, I'm running a bit slow on this mission.
I gave the experimental fermentor a cleanup today, for the Passionate Sarcasm (the yel-lowest form of Wit). :beerbang:
I have the Spicy Ghost and the ground coriander. The can of Spicy Ghost comes with a yeast labelled "Bohemian". Prob 34/70. ..and they want it to brew at 19-26C. :blink:
Maybe tomorrow. All tired out from playing all weekend with the young bloke (3 yrs), while the Dragon went to exotic Wingham for the weekend.
Oh well, all my fermentors are clean and ready to go for the next round of brewing.
Put down an extract weizen 2day. Simple recipe with Munton's DME and Munton's Wheat DME and a slight variation on my usual hopping to include Tettnang with Saaz (all 60 min). Should be foaming like a mad dog tomorrow morning.
Just going over to my sour mash thread to report on the Berliner weisse.

Sethule :party:
Cracked a couple of Passionate Sarcasm longnecks last night- pleasantly suprised. :chug:
Colour has dropped to an acceptable level, similar to Cooper's pale ale.
Smell is still very strong, especially the coriander. Really rich flavours, the slight bitterness of the orange peel comes through and marries well with the hops as does the fruitiness of the orange and (presumably) the passionfruit flavour.
Falls somewhere between a Hoegaarden & a Gippsland Natural Blonde. No residual harshness from the sucrose. Head was white & fairly fine/creamy, though retention was not great.

Have stuck a few in the cellar for another couple of weeks to see if it smooths out further. The rest will go into & come out of the fridge as quickly as possible. :D
May make this again, but using cracked coriander instead of ground.

Weizguy, Phantom- any more ideas on the radler? Or on the Fanta "Little Felcher"?
What about that Mountain Dew brew? Bring it on.
Got my act together and tracked this down:

Mountain Brew (5 gallons/19 L, extract with soda pop)
OG = 1.046 FG = 1.006 IBU = 19 SRM = 4 ABV = 5.2%
Jason Pavento wanted to combine his two favorite beverages, homebrew and Mountain Dew. His creation Mountain Brew does just that. Weve fiddled with his procedures a bit, based on our own experimentation, but the ingredients are the same as his original recipe. The beer turns out light and crisp, with some aroma, but not much flavor from the Mountain Dew. And, in case youre wondering, neither the preservatives or the caffeine seem to bother the yeast. Mountain Brew is also a very easy to make. So, to mangle a phrase from their ads just brew it!

4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) Muntons Extra Light dried malt extract
2.3 gallons (8.7 L) Mountain Dew
(24 12-oz. cans of the soda)
4.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops (45 mins)
(0.5 oz./14 g of 9% alpha acids)
2.25 AAU Northern Brewer hops (15 mins)
(0.25 oz./7 g of 9% alpha acids)
1/2 tsp Irish moss
1/4 tsp yeast nutrients
Danstar Manchester yeast
1.0 cup corn sugar (for priming)

Step by step
Pour Mountain Dew into a clean, sanitized brew bucket. (The soda should not have anything growing in it, so theres no need to boil. You may want to wipe the lips of the cans with a paper towel soaked in sanitizing solution, though. Let it sit in the bucket (covered) as you boil the wort so the level of carbonation will decrease.) Bring 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) of water to a boil and stir in malt extract. Boil for 60 minutes, adding hops at the times indicated in the recipe. Add Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the boil. Cool wort and pour into Mountain Brew. (Watch for excessive foaming.) Top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with water. Aerate (again, watching for excessive foaming) and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 F (20 C) for 1 week. Rack to secondary and age for 2 weeks, Bottle with corn sugar.

Hmm, 24 cans of Mountain Dew? Will have to try and find of this stuff to taste it.
All I know is they drink it on Seinfeld sometimes. :)
Everything else seems straightforward, except maybe the Danstar Manchester yeast.

Also added BYO Online to the links section for future reference.
As I understand Mountain Dew, the American version is caffienated but the Aussie stuff isn't. If it's not caffeinated, then what's the appeal of putting it into a brew? May as well use No Name lemonade.
I'm with postmodern on this one. In the USA, mountain dew has heaps more caffeine compared to coke, and over here we get overly sweet lolly water.

This is a scary thought, but I'm waiting for the day somebody thinks to ferment something with red bull!
USA Foods here in Melbourne have imported Mountain Dew for $28.00 a slab.
May have to get down there, but they can be very unhelpful, only seem to like customers who come in knowing exactly what they want with the cash in their hand.
Luckily, that will be me. :D

Didn't that Carlton "G" from a couple of summers back have taurine & ginseng in it?
Interesting to note this from that website you found, jleske-
Taurine plays a number of vital roles in our body starting with, but not limited to, our liver and digestive system. Patients suffering from alcohol withdrawal symptoms have used Taurine as part of their recovery treatment.
So presumably a few beers brewed with taurine would sort out your alcohol withdrawal symptoms like a shot!
Well I'm drinkin my cream soda ale and its not bad.Full bodied with a slightly sweet/creamy undertone.Best with a meal or maybe an after dinner ale.

As for the next experiment i thought I might make up pilsener kit + 500gms wheat dme,2litres of lemon lime mineral water,18 litres total volume.Saf 34/70 yeast.

Wadda ya think weiz/backlane(co conspirators)? :beer:
phantom said:
Well I'm drinkin my cream soda ale and its not bad.Full bodied with a slightly sweet/creamy undertone.Best with a meal or maybe an after dinner ale.

As for the next experiment i thought I might make up pilsener kit + 500gms wheat dme,2litres of lemon lime mineral water,18 litres total volume.Saf 34/70 yeast.

Wadda ya think weiz/backlane(co conspirators)? :beer:
Had another of those unique coke poorters last night. Still not quite right, and prob never will be. Don't think I could ever drink enough to get a caffeine buzz. :wacko:

Is mineral water a bit off the plan? Was it meant to be soft drink? S'pose it is,... with a different name.

Good yeast choice for a Radler.

Was originally thinking of a polar beer kit (or maybe a liquid/ dry extract combo) and some basic additions of some tettnang and dme (not particularly wheat). Ferment cold. Bulk prime with 2 litres of lemon/lime fizz, or maybe a 2l lemon fizz with a squirt of lime juice.
:beerbang: I better get the bike out of the shed, so I can really appreciate this. Should be as nice as weizen and tropical fruit juice for breakfast on Superbowl day.

Seth :chug:
MMMMM,I think that fundamentaly mineral water is a fizzy soft drink,full of sugar preservatives etc and carbonated.The main reason i want to use one as opposed to say,solo or lift is because i prefer the taste of the mineral waters and only want to use ingredients to suit my taste(fussy bastard). <_<
The wheat dme i thought may just add to the spritzy nature of the beer,as well as improve the head and body a little.

Not wanting to be a PITA, but wheat is not part of the Radler style (like I'm worried about style guidelines with lolly-water beers).
But, the style invoves a pilsener, not a wheat. Could be nice though, and who R U brewing for anyway? Not for me , I bet. I brew 4 me, and U really can't trust anyone who sez otherwise.

Let me know how it goes! :super:

Personally, I'd mix the wheat beer with fruit juice, or a slice of lemon.

Seth :p
Hard to believe I know, but by special request I made up a SECOND batch of Coke Fiend over the weekend. People keep asking us for it!

Changed the recipe a bit- added 200g maltodextrin & about 100g of dark (black!) liquid malt extract. May improve the color a little and add a residual sweetness/tanginess.
My 5 year old daughter was hugely impressed with the idea of putting Coca Cola into beer for some reason. :blink:
Backlane Brewery said:
Hard to believe I know, but by special request I made up a SECOND batch of Coke Fiend over the weekend. People keep asking us for it!
Not just hard not believe. just about impossible! :p

What sort of nasty bloke am I? My brother installed a new electric stove and cooktop for me on the weekend and I repaid him with a bottle of coke poorter (800ml VB bottle) for his trouble. glad he tok it on the road with him. Wouldn't have wanted to hear his feedback. To help get the taste out of his mouth, I also supplied him with a stubby of APA and 3 of Weizen.

I'll have to start the "passionate one" this week. No more excuses and delays. Daylight savings has given me my missing hour back, and I'm going to sue for 3 hours in interest on the loan. Should be enough time to start a batch of "kit" beer (sorry , no kilo of sugar, just DME).

Seth :party:
Thread resurrection. :D

I finally brewed my experimental batch of Passionate Sarcasm. Details:

Started 24/11
Style: Witbier (of sorts)
Volume 23 litres
OG: 1.040
FG: 1.003 (good yeast)
Alc %: 5.8%? maybe a bit high for this beer

1 can Cascade Spicy Ghost
5g fresh ground coriander seed
5g dried orange peel
500g light dried malt
500g white sugar
Optional nutmeg - 1/2 tsp
2l flattened Passionfruit fizzy

WhiteLabs Wit II (WLP410) - sediment from 300 ml bottle culture

Weigh out spices and grind with herb grinder and then powder in a mortar.
Boil 6 litres water. Remove from heat and add sugar and malt powder. Boil 10 min.
Then add spices and boil 5 more minutes.
Cool in sink.
Add cooled mix to fermentor by straining through large seive.
Add Cascade can and dissolve.
Top up to 23 litres.
When cool enough (28C in this case) add yeast, and aerate thoroughly.

Place in fridge & ferment @ 20C
Bottled on 6/1/06. Bulk primed with a 2.25 litre bottle of Passion Crush. 100% Australian drink; 0% real fruit juice and 234g sugars. Should be spritzy.

Notes: I thought that 5g was not enough of each spice. I was wrong though. It's not enough coriander or orange peel, but the 1/2 tsp of nutmeg is more than enough to overpower the brew. So much for complexity.
Tasting at bottling (there was some left over, not enough to fill a bottle) gave me a hint at the flavour. I think I could taste some coriander and orange and malt, but mostly I could taste nutmeg. The nutmeg flavour reminded me of a certain brand of canned spaghetti in tomato that's what they put in it.
Will only age 1 week before tasting and I may have to get started on the Radler. That'll help me get rid of the Toohey's Lager can that's been here a while. Prob not the best to make with an old can, buuuut at least the can's out-of-date now (9/9/05).

Any suggestions for the Radler? I'm thinking - simple lager kit + 1 kg Muntons DME (as I bought a box of it), and a good lager yeast. Please assist with yeast selection, as I own Wyeast Bohemian, YeastLab pilsner, Wyeast Czech pils, Wyeast Munich, Wyeast Danish II, Wyeast German or American Ale (for a pseudo lager), Wyeast Bavarian lager, WhiteLabs San Francisco lager. I'm thinking of using the Danish II.

I'll add a couple of litres of lemon/lime fizzy with real juice (prob 5%) as priming sugar.

May the beer flow free, and may your mind wander wherever it wants to go.
No Limits!

Insane Fizzy Cordial Brewer out (Seth) :p
Damn, I thought I'd left extracts behind when I moved to AG,but suddenly I'm entertaining the idea of a lemon lime lager type beer(kit based) with a smidge of cascade for that extra citrussy zing <_<

MMMMM....... I will give this some serious thought. :rolleyes:

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