Activate plan lichen!
With no transcripts coming in today for work, I decided to give this lichen beer thang a go.
When we were away in Bright the other week I got about 300 grams of this stuff called 'Icelandic Moss' from the organics shop. I kind of bought it and looked it up afterwards; it appears in a lot of traditional Icelandic recipes - soups and teas and the like - is quite bitter because of acids it contains, and is actually not a moss at all, but a lichen. (I'll never trust a name again). It doesn't contain cyanobacteria - the 'algae' half of this particular symbiotic entity is a 'green algae', rather than a 'blue-green algae', apparently. Whatever they are.
Brewed a small batch wheat beer today, on the assumption that a sweetish wheat beer would hold the lichenish flavours better than, say, a big malty porter. About four litres: 500 g wheat malt, 400 g pale ale malt, 100 g Munich malt; mash at around 66 to get a bit of body and a bit of unfermentable sweetness; add some lemon peel in 30 mins before the end of the boil just because.... (because we've got shitloads of lemons, that's why), and add lichen after I turn the stove off.
I chucked it in, a tablespoon at a time, tasting each time.
At the moment it's still cooling down: I think I lost some of the licheny goodness in the heat (I could smell it evaporating from the pot), but there's a kind of delicate weedy bitterness to it. (I also chucked in six bags of chamomile tea).
I'm going to ferment that lot out, and if necessary add more lichen and/or lemon peel in secondary fermentation if I want some back-bittering. (Apparently the Iceland Moss bitter acids are readily soluble in alcohol). Definitely no hops: I think they'd be too intense for these delicate flavours; I want some weird witbier yeastiness to go with some funny licheny flavours.
Plan for the future: do a beer that contains *even more* microbiota: fungus (yeast, lichen); bacteria (lacto-bacilli for souring)... anything else?