Ideas For Next Meet.

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"Baron Hardmans" Chief brewer.
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We've had a quiet one this month are any of us keen for a catch up?

The date 6th of November has been tossed up as a possible.

However no ideas have been thrown around yet.

Thats the monday before the big race, the 4th and 5th are the castle hill comp. Anyone up for that?
We could just do something informal like meet at the Australian Heritage on a Friday night, maybe the 27th October? Coming up to BBQ weather too so i'd be up for a sunday arvo BBQ/pizza at mine or somebody elses.
Comming into the heat I have to say indoors events definately appeal to me.

Wheres the Heritage @?
Whoops, the Aussie Heritage is at the Rocks near the bridge. Just up from the Belgian Beer Cafe and the ANA hotel.
I'll start putting penny's away sounds like one of those $8 a beer places.
With the upcoming Hop and Grain bulk buys being split at my place anyway, we might as well make a day of it. The 27th i mentioned before is no good, however perhaps another day will suit everybody.

Would people prefer a sunday/sat arvo BBQ, maybe a weekday pizza night, or something completely different?
Also the 27th is a Friday.... Not to sure how convenient a week night would be for everyone, due to location split shifts, kids ect ect.
Sat 4th Nov (daytime)
Sun 5th Nov
Mon 6th Nov (evening)

All the above are fine for me. Can't do the 27th Oct unfortunately