I Have Done It Agian, Hospital That Is!

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As you must brew, so you must drink
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Yes boys, well my new years resalution was to stay out of hospital, as the past 3 years I have had 3 shoulder reconstructions. But Saturday arvo it all came unstuck. I finished mowing the grass at 12.30 and sat down and between 1pm amd 5pm I had 1 Wheat beer, 1 English Bitter, 1 Irish Red Ale and I just had half of a Dubbel, (Pints). I was not drunk but was feeling pretty good. We had friends coming over or tea so before feeding the kids early, I took them for a walk around the block while the Mrs served the kids tea up. On the way back home DOWN our hill I thought it would be a good idea to jump on the back of my 8 year old boys scooter with him. Bad idea. We we going good for a while and next thing I woke up in the back of an ambulance. We stacked it and I landed on my face. Well after 4 days in hospital I am out. I broked 3 bones in my face including a depressed frac of the cheek bone and sinuns and also broke a bone near my eye. Because we ended up on the road they did a blood alcohol reading and it was 0.11. Very interesting though as I did not feel drunk and I would of done it even if I had not had any beers. So I am at home for a couple of weeks now with a bad headache. And no beers for a while!
Good new though my boy did not bust a pimple <_<

Good to hear you broke the little ones fall...sad to hear about the rest of the adventure
Ouch! :eek: Glad to hear you're ok (kinda)....

So, are you in any kind of strife for being in 'control' of a vehicle while over the limit? My understanding is that you can't ride a bicycle whilst over the limit - what about a scooter?

I also wonder how you would have come up if you had been wearing a helmet?
Bummer Steve, glad to hear you survived though and even better that the young fella didn't cop any injuries. You sure got injured enough for the both of you! Scooters & adults don't mix.........every time I've gone near one I've got hurt :(

I'm curious to know if you got done for the alcohol reading too, I recently had a mate get done on a pushy after leaving my place. In all fairness (to me) I did offer him a lift home as we had been drinking (well for the missus to drive him home) but he decided against it as he felt fine.

He blew .1 as well, although I also have to say that you wouldn't have known it after watching him sit on the handlebars and ride the bike backwards down the driveway.......the cop stopped him at the end of the street because his little red blinky light on the back 'wasn't bright enough'........and when he got off his bike the cop heard a couple of bottles clink together in his bag and decided to breath test him........what a bastard.

Oh well. The rules are the rules I guess.

Hope you recover quickly :)
Yes boys, well my new years resalution was to stay out of hospital, as the past 3 years I have had 3 shoulder reconstructions. But Saturday arvo it all came unstuck. I finished mowing the grass at 12.30 and sat down and between 1pm amd 5pm I had 1 Wheat beer, 1 English Bitter, 1 Irish Red Ale and I just had half of a Dubbel, (Pints). I was not drunk but was feeling pretty good. We had friends coming over or tea so before feeding the kids early, I took them for a walk around the block while the Mrs served the kids tea up. On the way back home DOWN our hill I thought it would be a good idea to jump on the back of my 8 year old boys scooter with him. Bad idea. We we going good for a while and next thing I woke up in the back of an ambulance. We stacked it and I landed on my face. Well after 4 days in hospital I am out. I broked 3 bones in my face including a depressed frac of the cheek bone and sinuns and also broke a bone near my eye. Because we ended up on the road they did a blood alcohol reading and it was 0.11. Very interesting though as I did not feel drunk and I would of done it even if I had not had any beers. So I am at home for a couple of weeks now with a bad headache. And no beers for a while!
Good new though my boy did not bust a pimple <_<


bad news Steve, but count yourself lucky that you wern't charged with .05 as you could well have been.

Yes boys, well my new years resalution was to stay out of hospital, as the past 3 years I have had 3 shoulder reconstructions. But Saturday arvo it all came unstuck. . So I am at home for a couple of weeks now with a bad headache. And no beers for a while! Good news though my boy did not bust a pimple <_< Steve

Ouch. :eek: Sorry to hear about your damage - you'll have trouble living that down for a while. Great news on the nipper being unhurt. Anyone catch it on video ?
Thank fellas. No video, although I would love to see how the hell it happend. The doc's at the hospital said that the cops would have to be pretty hard up to book a bloke being doubled by his 8 year old son on the back of a toy scooter. As I have lost all my points and on the 12 months good behaviour thing I hope I dont get a knock at the door. But I can't see how the cops could do anything anyway as the was no wittnesses and we were on the footpath but just ended up on the road. All the cops have got to go on was my report I gave the emergency staff while I was in and out of conciousness.
Anway no beer for a while just lots of endone and Panadine Forte :p

Geez Steve you don't do things by halves do you! Get well soon.

wow. harsh series of events steve. maybe you could sneak a bit of beer in if it was a medicinal blend (bit of wormwood or THB/mary jane or something to aid in numbing the pain)! Your next vrew should be a stout called "Road Tar', 'Road Kill' or '9 Lives'

glad to hear the brewers assistant is ok. must of given him a hell of a scare.
My 5 year old daughter was cool though. She ran inside, took her shoes off first, and said to my wife "Mummy something very serious has hapened.......to Daddy....... he scratched his face..........on the road........ The Mrs guessed the rest. When my Mrs came out she told my son to go and get a towel (for the blood) and he said "just a dirty one from the washer basket?"
Gold. You got to love those kids.

A friend of mine's father was hit by a car in a country town in Qld. The coppers turned up at the hospital and booked him for jaywalking!

Glad you're on the mend and very glad your boy didn't have a scratch. I once put my elbow through the gyproc trying to cushion my daughter's fall. I fell awkwardly and ended up almost putting my head through the wall too. Luckily a stud was behind the gyproc to stop my noggin. <_<

Any suggestions for beer names to commemorate the near death experience?
Ah, sorry, missed those.

How about "Good Idea at the Time", "Stuntman's Lament" or "Road Rash?" ;) [I sincerely mean no offence Steve]

The most obvious beer name has already been taken by a Texas brewery......Shiner Bock.
Get Well Soon!
A brew name? "Steve`s Scooter Stout"
say that 6 x really fast after a "few" of those pints.
"Mashed Face Ale"
"Sore Head Lager"
"Faceplant Pale Ale"
I like em all bys, may have to make one for each name :p
I thought of one more last night just before bed: look here for inspiration.